Don't Play Comp Right Now!

Still surprised they haven’t fixed this critical bug. Such a indie company even worst than that.

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I had it happen once today. If it happens too much, I’ll have to quit comp for the season. Sure sucks because it gave me an L.

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It literally just happened to me, this sucks.

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Thanks for the warning.

I always stay away from Comp on days before and after maintenance, and definitely hours or a day after any new update patches.

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My guess is it’s just too time consuming for them. And it’s not really their problem so long as we’re the ones who are having issues. I bet if the Shop was having problems they would fix it that week.

It’s still a crappy “fix”. And are we even certain it’s perfect?

I agree, it’s not a good fix, they haven’t done enough to fix this, and it never should’ve been an issue in the first place. That said, to answer you:

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it’s not ideal but it’s worked for me. been starting up the practice range first every time I play and haven’t had the bug


It would be nice if we atleast got some sort of explanation. Tonight it took me and a friend probably 15 minutes to get a full game because she kept having this Applying Update bug and disconnects.

And Blizzard should honestly just freeze all Comp leaver penalties until they get this fixed. That, or suspend Comp until they do.

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It’s way more common than you may think. I’m regularly playing in a group of 4 and all of us encountered the bug already. We thought that doing a “Scan and Repair” for the game fixes the issue until one of us had the bug happen again yesterday, less than a week after doing the repair.
The fact that the bug has been happening for two weeks and it hasn’t been fixed yet even though there’s a ton of complaints about it all over the forums just shows how much the devs actually care about the game.

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I have just encountered this bug and locked out from comp for 10+ mins.
Whelp… what can I expect…

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Don’t tell me what to do

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The workaround for this bug is going into Training Mode every time you launch Overwatch.
There was a blue post on this somewhere.

It isn’t ideal but that’s how to prevent the bug.


All you have to do is enter the practice range once before you start playing.

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They need to remove leavers penalty if someone leaves before choosing a character. Its complete negligence they are aware of a COMMON bug and do nothing.

I know. But the majority of OW players aren’t gonna know this. Blizzard could atleast put an actual message in game about this.

Also if people stop playing Comp, maybe the high queue times will be a lesson to Blizzard. They can’t let bugs like this go on this long and not even fix the mistakes.

Just load into training before queuing up.

You say “I know. But the majority of OW players aren’t gonna know this.”, so instead you tell the people who aren’t gonna know this that they should stop playing at all? That makes zero sense.
Why not tell them how to prevent the issue? You obviously thought they read your thread, otherwise you wouldn’t have posted it.

:confused: :question:

We’re talking about a company still being ran by Bobby Kotick here

Consider it free opportunity to leave Overwatch behind. You even get banned to make sure you never return.

It’s honestly unbelievable how fake your rank is in competitive. There is so little input from the you the player. This new bug is icing on the cake.

Yes it just happened to me again.

Who actually plays comp in this HOT MESS of a matching system?