Don't nerf Echo

It simply isn’t necessary. Why on Earth nerf the most average hero in the game, while at the same time buffing one and nerfing their counter that’s objectively better?

Doesn’t make sense. If something needs rebalancing, rebalance, don’t straight up nerf them.

Shame really that Echo mains don’t actually exist to defend her the way other heroes might get some support. :frowning:

I have a bad feeling this hero is going to end up dumpstered.

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I don’t see why the beam got targeted personally in the changes, That’s just the kill confirm.

The real issue is her sticky bombs do upwards of 150 damage on a 6 second cooldown

For comparison Genji has a 50 damage ability on an 8 second cooldown

Edit: And the get out of jail free ult is irritating.


Imagine thinking a range nerf is the end of the world
(Chill out man, its not like it was a damage nerf or even worse, an ult nerf.)




She is quite literally the most average hero in the game, pick rates, win rates, absolute mid-table, bang average, mediocre. I mean, this should be an absolute lesson in ‘state in which to release a hero’. It’s downright perfection.

Because check out the post above. A lot of people are still gunning for her. This is like Sombra all over again, except Echo is actually playable.

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Yeah, but there hasn’t really been a meta that uses her, and she sucks against double barrier, and they kinda put a lot of firepower into ashe/mccree.

But I feel like she’s more like launch Brig before people figured out how to use her in a comp.

They figured out in OWL how to use her in dive, but that doesn’t necessarily look to be even the meta there, she gets replaced a lot even in that and dive just isn’t happening at all on ladder.

She’s definitely no Brig.

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I would not really regard Genji as a counter to Echo.

I still think it’s less to do with the hero, and more to do with hitscans and barriers all over the place.

They aint going away. And you wouldn’t pre-emptive nerf just in case even if they were.

Well, unless they do something about barriers.

Or make Dive become meta.

You’re asking for pre-emptive changes to might not even happen, and might not result in what you’re afraid of. It’s like nerfing Bastion in case they decide to remove D.Va.

Well, let’s imagine they made it so if you got doubleanchortank, then the barrier regen/cooldowns get slower.
(But then they increase barrierHP back up to where it was in October)

And make it so discord bypasses barriers.

I hardly ever use the beam at maximum range anyway. I am often surprised when it does hit at that range since I often feel like 17-20m feels out of range. Namely using it at 10-15m I feel is the sweet spot for myself.

I’m not going to start asking for hero changes based on stuff I imagine.

Why not, it’s fun :stuck_out_tongue:

it’s even kind of a stupid nerf, like most of the time your going to be using it within 10m.

I agree stickies CAN be kind of insane but damage should be left alone instead nerf the travel speed because it can also easily be pretty useless if you can’t make multiple sticks.

her ults also fine albeit an obnoxious charge rate (no not the copy ult she does get it very easily) I’d say nerf her real ult charge the issue isn’t that it’s a get out jail free, most other heroes of better normal abilities to get the same results of escaping that her ult has.

Maybe remove copy ults or reduce the damage/effect the copy ults have, she doesn’t need anything major just some light tweaks

The beam is too strong to be that long, esp with her outstanding ranged offense.

If you want to be lobbying for anything, it should be buffs, not nerfs. What you’re suggesting, especially with the ult, would literally trash her.

I’m not that great a dps player, the only issues I ever have when playing echo is getting focused by her counters.

I play her, more than I fight her and if she is left to her own devices she can trash the entire enemy team.

besides even if you play effectively as the character you copy you still barley use the ult if it’s not instant. the one time I was able to get two ults off was because the enemy team just ignored me and focused the point.