Dont listen to genji players

Nice bait mate, maybe next time lead with that.

Calm down Sir Fail of Trollandia.

But, Genji does need buffs tho :smirk:


Say what you want, he evades being hit through 3/4 of the tiers because of double-jump. combine that with the fact even the designer regrets the decision publicly. They cannot buff his kit in other areas because combined with double jump he would wreck lower tiers. Again, this is the main issue of his kit over time, its what amounts to a high value-low skill defensive tool that puts the onus on aiming on the target. Tracer has many of the same issues, even Seagull admits that. It’s all this hypermobility that in turn results in CC measures.

that either

  1. doesn’t work
  2. gets bypassed e.g. flashbang
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Eh not really, but they’ll never care to listen to anyone but themselves. If Blizzard wanted him buffed, he’d be buffed.

in 2016

You just described every main.
I don’t know what you’re trying to argue here.

Point still stands in 2021, his kit still has double-jump. It’s amazing still that many simply cannot see this is the issue in his kit holding him back.

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I’m curious, how is double jump and issue?


Clearly, when against players with potato aim he has huge evasion to then just spam-dash down targets. Like Tracer, he puts the onus for aiming on his target while not being subject to such a handicap.

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1.58 is pretty bad. Why are you talking like you know how to play Genji, or even know anything about him?

Like seriously, why are there so many of you who are garbage at Genji yet cannot stop screaming how easy or op he is? lmao…

if they still thought it was an issue they would have removed it in ow 2

So, why should we balance upon the incompetency of players? That doesn’t make much sense to me nor does it follow the way the devs have stated that they balance, so I’m pretty sure that’s not the issue even back 2016.

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I guarantee you he and Tracer are going to see some brakes for their mobility put on due to the lowering of CC. Putting DJ on a c/d would be the most effective way. Tracer no question is going to see some kind of roll-back. They cannot allow hypermobility to reign while just gutting CC, the game balance would favor them too much.

I still think Double Jump is a problem (in that it makes hard to buff him) and I hope they removed it for OW2, but some things to keep in mind:

  • Multiple other heroes have been added that add pressure on Genji/can hurt him during Double Jump since 2016
  • Other heroes have been given changes/buffs/reworks to contest Genji more so that double jump may not be as much of an issue
  • People have familiarized themselves with his kit since we’re beyond 5 years of the game now

Genji’s not as strong as he was back in 2016. That includes double jump, even if it might be a weird balancing pain-point.

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They won’t remove it (weeb mains would riot), but I do believe they will put it likely on some form of c/d. But I agree with you, its the real problem element affecting balancing measures in his kit. A lot of Genji players know they would not do nearly as well with it even on a limited use hence the panic which sets in when you mention it. But hey, Mei lost freeze, the defining element of her kit… but since so few people actually play Mei, the popularity pressure in response isn’t there.


I feel like they might. If they identified it as a balancing problem, and they’re willing to scrap other heroes’ literal character-defining abilities, I don’t feel like doing something to double jump or giving him some other form of passive mobility would be off the table. I don’t think they really worry about the playerbase since they want to do balance right from the gate.

I mean, if they leave it in…I’d be kinda surprised. It just bottlenecks a lot of possibilities for how to adjust his mobility otherwise.

They mentioned it for tracer, doom, and ball; genji is probably not getting his mobility nerfed because it isn’t an issue.


I stopped reading at the first sentence. You do realise that they have travel time and are pretty slow compared to other projectiles meaning that you do in fact miss? 70% of the time you’re getting max value is when you’re spamming a tank. Like dude come on

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  1. Genji does need a buff.
  2. Genji was buffed due to underperforming and then nerfed to a point worse than where he started. He still needs help.
  3. The point you made is silly. In the past you said this about Mccree:

He later received three nerfs. No changes doesn’t mean that a hero is fine. It often just means that Blizzard are slow when it comes to addressing balance problems.