Dont listen to genji players

Finally a thread that addresses the issue. Prepare all genji mains to pounce. Last time Genji was buffed, it was Genjiwatch. The summer of 2019. Just a few buffs he became dominant.


Correction: When Genji was buffed 5 times over with no compensation nerf in ultimate charge. Was also Summer 2020

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I’m crying in my 5 widow nerfs since January 2019. See my tears, they’re crying. Oh right! we got a widow buff recently; have to point that out just incase you do.

Um, what? Has nothing to do with the post.

The point is, you can overbuff any hero very easily if its done wrong.

Genji can get something like 29 damage shurikens in his current state without causing another Genji meta.

If you take small steps to reach a good state rather than just slap 5 buffs on him at once, you’ll get a good balance for the hero.

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If you believe that, you believe that blizzard knows how to balance.


Even if you are right, which I do agree with you. Blizzard is incapable of balancing this game.


That’s weird. That’s…not a nerf. :thinking:

Blizzard is bad at balancing. I think we can all agree on it lmao

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Never said they did, I’m just saying Genji can get buffs as long as it’s done the right way.

Do got a point though, still can’t believe they heard everyone complaining about Baptiste, then just nerfed Exo Boots of all things.

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You’re very welcome, friend. :heart:

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My bad. I meant buff not nerf. I was mentioning that.

That makes a lot more sense then lol.

Yeah Blizzard’s balance is take one step forward, then take 9 steps back.

They make one good change, then compensate by making multiple changes that leave people from all ranks and backgrounds raise their eyebrows.

Funny how they barely learn from their mistakes if at all too.

How did it seriously not click with them that giving Genji a bunch of damage buffs at once was gonna skyrocket his ult charge through the roof?


It actually feels good to get that buff back. I was getting head shots on widow that were not registering because of distance. I really do enjoy the 30% fall off and how it benefits Widow, she got dumpstered a lot.

I don’t like Widowmaker but I don’t think that buff was as powerful as people were acting like it was.

It’s just weird how they even thought that giving her a fall-off that barely affected her, and then dialing it back a bit just to avoid the spawn-to-spawn snipes was…something that needed to be addressed lol.

Outside of that, I just think the balance team has the foresight of a donkey. How many times have they increased a hero’s damage and not compensated by nerfing their ultimate charge? We saw it with Genji, with Baptiste, with Reinhardt, and with Junkrat. You’d think doing it once or twice would have helped them realize that, but they don’t. They keep doing it and it becomes a problem lol.


It’s not. If you’re struggling to deal with a Genji double jumping, you’re just bad at the game. That’s all there is to it.

Very surprised you mentioned Seagull without even quoting what he said about how Genji cannot receive meaningfull buffs because of nanoblade.

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The snail pacing of patches are definitely not helping that either.

They could at least do something like pick 4-5 heroes, and focus on those heroes for that month to fine tune them.

Would feel so much better if we didnt have to wait 6+ months for a hero to get touched if they’re not doing good.

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You know what the worst part is?

Relatively speaking, this is fast balance. It was worse than this. Worse.

It’s just nutty that our benchmark is so low and they still disappoint.


stop namedropping me mf ur my biggest fan + ur literally lying about me lmfao

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Yeah, I remember the sloth pacing without an experimental, we would go months without changes sometimes.

They aren’t even using the experimental to its fullest potential, nor properly at that.

The experimental was SUPPOSED to be the telltale sign of “oh hey woah wait Genjis charging ult too fast with all these buffs lets fix that” but they slap it onto live without addressing that anyway.

And speaking of, why the hell have an experimental card if youre gonna just slap random changes onto live without warning? Like that 15-17% Moira ult charge nerf, that was so random.


LOL I will remind you of this post when OW 2 drops.

Go ahead, I doubt they’ll do anything