Dont listen to genji players

It actually feels good to get that buff back. I was getting head shots on widow that were not registering because of distance. I really do enjoy the 30% fall off and how it benefits Widow, she got dumpstered a lot.

I don’t like Widowmaker but I don’t think that buff was as powerful as people were acting like it was.

It’s just weird how they even thought that giving her a fall-off that barely affected her, and then dialing it back a bit just to avoid the spawn-to-spawn snipes was…something that needed to be addressed lol.

Outside of that, I just think the balance team has the foresight of a donkey. How many times have they increased a hero’s damage and not compensated by nerfing their ultimate charge? We saw it with Genji, with Baptiste, with Reinhardt, and with Junkrat. You’d think doing it once or twice would have helped them realize that, but they don’t. They keep doing it and it becomes a problem lol.


It’s not. If you’re struggling to deal with a Genji double jumping, you’re just bad at the game. That’s all there is to it.

Very surprised you mentioned Seagull without even quoting what he said about how Genji cannot receive meaningfull buffs because of nanoblade.

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The snail pacing of patches are definitely not helping that either.

They could at least do something like pick 4-5 heroes, and focus on those heroes for that month to fine tune them.

Would feel so much better if we didnt have to wait 6+ months for a hero to get touched if they’re not doing good.

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You know what the worst part is?

Relatively speaking, this is fast balance. It was worse than this. Worse.

It’s just nutty that our benchmark is so low and they still disappoint.


stop namedropping me mf ur my biggest fan + ur literally lying about me lmfao

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Yeah, I remember the sloth pacing without an experimental, we would go months without changes sometimes.

They aren’t even using the experimental to its fullest potential, nor properly at that.

The experimental was SUPPOSED to be the telltale sign of “oh hey woah wait Genjis charging ult too fast with all these buffs lets fix that” but they slap it onto live without addressing that anyway.

And speaking of, why the hell have an experimental card if youre gonna just slap random changes onto live without warning? Like that 15-17% Moira ult charge nerf, that was so random.


LOL I will remind you of this post when OW 2 drops.

Go ahead, I doubt they’ll do anything

Take away his DJ and let’s see how he fairs. Seagull is well known for his pointing out the issues Tracer brings, not Genji. People trying to pose it as a neutral ability or even gasp a liability for ease of shooting are being simply disingenuous.

But I will entertain your point - as I said, the issue surrounds the impact his mobility has on the lower 2/3 or so of the tiers; you might be callous and just say “hurrrr if ya can’t hit Genji, you juz bad” but its not that simple in balancing. He gets a serious defense advantage just flipping about, while picking his engagement against targets trying to hit him. Thus combined with any other buffs, he would be too strong even if it made him more manageable in GM, the only place he’s really suffering. This is not hard to understand really.


Or we could yknow, not screw with the game for a social experiment?

I mean if you really wanna test value of double jump then tell a pro to unbind their space key and see how dumb it looks.

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This is the sound of fear. Again, you forget the point - if its not all that useful, the way Genji mains make it sound then why be afraid of a c/d?

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No, it’s the sound of “dont do anything un-necessary or stupid”

How much fear is one supposed to have for a video game forum?

Because it being consistently available is good. There are times where mix-up moves can be needed at random moments.

Spamming double jump is bad yes, but having double jump always available for a quick mix-up is good.

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It’s amazing that I am making a cogent point, but all I hear here is emo reaction. We limit his hypermobility to in turn buff his kit in other ways to make him more balanced in GM and not unbalanced elsewhere. Capiche?

Maybe its just too good again, for most of the tiers. Most special abilities require forethought to use, but for some odd reason not DJ… very strange when you think about it, it actually lowers his skill floor.

Anyhow, I am not going to convince the faithful anymore than talking to flat-earther. Other’s agree with me regardless, and I guarantee some aspect of his movement gets limited in OW 2 with the loss of CC in the game. See you then :slight_smile:

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Almost like Genji got ruined with blizzards last round of balancing because they ruined his entire point.

He was meant to be high risk high reward
Last patches made him absurd risk zero reward in high elo were he was struggling in the first place
And it also made him low risk, moderate reward in low elo, where he by default was supposed to be harder to grasp for this rank.

Almost like blizzard is incompetent and youre just as much so, since you cant take a step out of your rank to realize that heroes can perform very differently in different ranks.

Genji blows, and I cant play my hero in my elo, both in qp and in comp, because my MMR is too high. The only way to find success is by being a super hardcore one trick like necros, which almost no one takes to that degree.

No “capiche” dude.

I would rather take this current Genji than a clunkier but more lethal one.

Don’t want the hero strong if it means they feel like dog crap to play.

You’re talking to someone that is in platinum and has played in gold, and can tell you that double jump is a non-issue. I’ve spent more time off of Genji than on, and I actually laugh when Genji players spam double jump like it means something.

Unless you’re Geoff Goodman himself you can’t guarantee crap. And I’ll be just as fair to that statement.

None of us know what OW2 will look like, so none of us can tell the changes.

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Whatever you say man :slight_smile:

Alright I come back and see everyones hating double jump, what is going on and why is it suddenly big news after 4 years. In what universe will it be restricted, theres no reason for it to be because it isnt an issue, never has been and never will.

Exactly. It’s as if the human mind is physically incapable of tracing a semi-circle with their mouse.

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Its not. It’s that a cadre of oh, about 8 forum folks repeatedly post asking for buffs to Genji without ever wanting to consider why he is in the state he is in. DJ is the likely suspect why his kit is not tweaked further and is noted by a number of commentators. They act like only balancing for GM is the question, and it’s just not. A buff to any element has to be considered in tandem with the impact across the tiers. You’ll notice a trend: any, any criticism of Genji’s kit is not tolerated, and ironically it’s this behavior that actually is holding the kit back at the highest tier of play. Oh, the sweet irony… whenever I hear things like “no reason” I hear people with blinders on.

OW 2 is reducing CC dramatically; CC exists to counter hypermobility, namely Tracer and Genji originally, Doom, Winston etc. The players who main these imagine a paradise of gunning down a solo tank and Supports unopposed. I assure you this is not the way OW 2 will work because no one would play it. You will see nerfs to these kits, and mobility is one area that is a likely target.