Don't like private profiles?

No, I understand THAT reasoning behind it. I was just pointing out how hypocritical it was to make a post about how much they hate private profiles, but they were actively using a private profile, lol.

a boycott is not a protest. boycott would be saying “everyone who doesn’t like private profiles just stop playing till they change it”

a protest is this. different things.

I think you should only be able to post on the forums with your main account.

see wut I did there?

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Ya and I totally get that. I’m sure people will feel one way or the other. Me personally? I say it’s a curse. My reason is this. We come here (mostly) to theorycraft, discuss the state of the game, and propose change based on what we know. The problem is opinion over fact, and now we have NO facts. Those sites like Overbuff were our ONLY source of concrete indisputable information. You can argue why Mercy’s pickrate is what it is, but you can’t argue the pickrate itself, thats a fact. Now we have no facts :frowning:

Who knows, maybe they don’t want us knowing that stuff so we’re really not sure how insane certain heroes are because now it’ll just be observations. Most likely it’ll lead to rank shaming too like “how can you even comment on what happens at GM, you arent a GM” when before we could review the data and make an informed comment.

I dunno, I see it as a loss.

At the end of the day, the “protest” is for a very, very stupid reason. Something that people already have control over. Don’t like private profiles? Ok, don’t group up in LFG with people with private profiles…

People are acting like we had control before, when we didn’t. We have more control NOW than ever. I couldn’t choose that I just got paired with 5 DPS mains. And even if I could or could not see their profiles it would not have changed the outcome of the game because they were going to play what they were comfortable with regardless.

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They really need to start pushing stats, especially averages like overbuff and others had, public. It’s disappointing that the only ‘real time’ info we had was skewed so badly because you had to search an account for it to go into the pool.


-Burn some stuff-

Let us stalk!

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that’s your opinion, I think hiding profiles because people wont man up and say no I’m going to play what I want is a stupid reason to hide profiles, and that’s my opinion.

I like to solo que, I don’t need a group to climb, I’m good enough on my own. the issue is, I cant pick around my team if I don’t know what they play, and before you say “just ask” people lie. People asked for this feature specifically so they could lie and play things they don’t usually play. lots of people on the forums have said “I’m going to make my profile private and just say I’m a widow main even though I play mercy”

you 100% had control before. theres only one person who can select the hero you want to play at the select hero screen, and that’s you. what you have now is the ability to hide what you don’t want seen, not control.

you still cant control that. I can que for tank in you group as a dps main. Just like people could pick tank in a comp game even though they were dps mains.

this was in the game before, now its in the game with the ability to lie and say “oh yeah I’m a hanzo main” all this feature does, is allow people to lie without being called out. Nothing more nothing less. You were never forced to play things before, you just fall to peer pressure. that’s on you.

People are allowed to play whatever they want. It’s really, really dumb to queue up as a tank for LFG and then not tank once you’re in the group. You don’t join a dungeon in WoW as a healer and then switch to DPS right as you go into the dungeon. Your entire team will be wiped. Same concept applies here. It makes no sense to shoot yourself in the foot.

And no, when you solo-queue (especially before) you have no control over what kind of teammates you end up with. At least with LFG I can control and have a say over what kind of teammates I am looking for. If I want to queue with 5 flex teammates, great! I can do that now.

Knowing people’s profiles or not truly doesn’t change anything, and if anything, it just takes away people’s unnecessary need to have paranoid control issues over fellow players. Trust your team. That “Sombra main” on your team may have an Alt account and may actually be a pretty bad-a$$ Widowmaker or Zarya.

putting yourself in que for a certain group doesn’t mean you get those players. how do you know if the person who qued for tank with a hidden profile actually plays tank? It gives you a way to grab people before you que and lock them in that role, but it does not give you guaranteed experience in that role.

I mean essentially with hidden profiles, that’s whats happening in overwatch. “I play healers mainly, but I’m gonna que for dps, even though I don’t play dps”

it does, it means I cant pick synergies with what they are good at.

again nobody but you can pick who you play. nobody is forcing you to click on a hero.

I mean conscidering ive seen people come to the forums in mass and say “I’m going to hide my profile and play x hero even though I don’t know how” I don’t.
having an alt account doesn’t make them good at a hero either. I have an alt account for widow that’s in gold. I’m a masters on my main. does that mean I can play widow in masters? no.

How many of those are legitimate instead of saying/doing that because they want to ruin a system they don’t agree with?

id guess all considering the amount of mercy emblems ive seen playing widow lately

Isn’t the best evidence really. I like to wear the Mei icon on occasion despite barely playing her just because I love the character.

Somebody think of the children.:roll_eyes:

gotta agree with this. private profiles are dumb, especially the fact that it’s private by default.

I kick the private profiles in LFG. And it works. I don’t have mercy mains playing genji/tracer in my team.

Those sites should not have access to players private information anyway

you are going to be doing a lot of kicking becauase I’ve learned that in most cases people dont read them