Don't let Lego Bastion distract you

I’m not expert on the inner workings of the development team, but I’m pretty sure that the balance team and the team that designs maps aren’t the same thing.

I’d take a balance patch over a new hero any day of the week though, I don’t even care what that hero is- they’ve never made a good one post-launch anyway.

Ah yes another horribly designed 2cp map. This time with twice the bunker pandering!

Coming to BlizzCon near you.

If getting maps quickly means we get maps like Paris then i dont want more maps.

that bring the hope to nintendo cross over skins! I would ttake that instead of a map any day.

Or from the fact that Bastion is still F tier

new maps is the only way of having a tiny tiny bit of new lore… t-t this IS SO SAD

I thought bastion was to ruin classic qp actually but nvm.

we need less maps like hanamura and Paris

I don’t want a new map. I want more actual meaningful balance changes.

I can’t wait for someone to spin how this “distraction” is somehow OWL’s fault next.

Honestly with Blizzard’s track record on map making after launch, I don’t want another map.

They are most likely working on Paris rework

I don’t want any more maps. They should focus on reworking the terrible maps, like Paris and Anubis.

That would imply that Blizzard are capable of owning up to mistakes.

We got it earlier.

We need a Lego map! :triumph:

Forza Horizon 4 has a LEGO cross over map (it does cost money tho)… It’s a possibility for sure!

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