Don't let Lego Bastion distract you

Well, even though the skin looks cool it sadly is just as useless as Bastion is in his current state.
We get fancy skins for characters that are unviable since pretty much 3 years (yeah I am not counting the first few months where everyone said “omg bastion so op”).

I was hoping for another lore drop tbh.

I really think that lego skin is horrible, but I guess some will enjoy it.

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You know, @VenusArmani brought up some good points: Bastion is actually okay right now. A double barrier meta really suits him because he can sit, protected, and chew through enemy barriers. He does a lot of damage, has a self-heal, and is difficult to kill in Sentry form if he gets any help at all. He’s seeing play in OWL, even.

I throw my hands up in the air sometimes, saying aaaaaaaaaaaayo, I’m a leeeeeeeeeeeeeego!

no. i like lego bastion :triumph:

Yeah im not looking forward to another choke point heavy map like the overwatch devs love to make.

The devs will seriously need to reconsider their stance on not allowing a map veto option in this game with how many maps the game already has. It’s getting to the point where I almost never see certain maps (which works both good and bad) and end up replaying others more often than I should because of the RNG that goes into selecting them with matchmaking.

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I don’t care for maps if they are all like Paris.

We need a smaller map pool for comp anyway and adding more isn’t going to help.

Both and sir, not either or.

Then “sunlight come, me wan go home!”?

I just think its funny there are 2 bastion lego sets,now bastion lego skin…and ingame no one cares for him and hes a bad pick for years now.

We need a lego hero in this game. An omnic who is made of legos and ultimate is putting legos on the floor for people to step on.


They should look at refining the selection, while I’d like an underwater and swamp map respectively I’d rather they refine the current selection and work to make them as enjoyable as possible.

Maybe add an alternate route for attackers at first point in Paris instead of the choke. Maps are more fun if you have other routes you can use to approach the problem and make the distance between point A and B shorter. Man, I hate 2CP.

I’d rather have a Lego skin then be walking on Lego (Playing on Paris)

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I’d be happy not getting a new map, if it meant more content/balance changes/Paris rework

Jeff already said that it’s on their plans to make each competitive season have a map pool of 3 of each kind, so only 12 maps in rotation.

I would welcome an arcade mode that is basically QP with only a certain map type allowed, just like we had brawls that were only a single role with 2-hero limit. Those were fun.

Looking at how most new maps end up terrible, I’d rather not get any more new ones if they can’t design them properly.

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Busan & Havana are two of my favorite maps.

Considering the last two maps have been widely disliked, I don’t think many people really mind.

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It would be nice if the balance the map first then put it on live.

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