Don't give in to Anti-Brig Pressure

I dont. Still waiting for an answer on the other post bud.

The one you basically repeat your subjective view on her being “easy as hell”, describing her kit while ignoring its drawbacks? I have answered to some posts like that in the thread as well, and if you would read the thread you will find me and many other providing information about her drawbacks, bud. Can respont to it later, but I have answered questions about her skill requirements many times in that thread.


Glad she’s getting nerfed. the #DeleteBrig group are doing God’s work :raised_hands:


Red herring fallacy. Suddenly the first paragraph is directed at attacking me?

Back on point, it’s no time at all being “entitled to dictate” how people should play. Every opinion matters, you don’t discard them because you dont like the contents of it. The delete brig movement would cease if brig got reworked or changed in a way that made it so she didn’t make the game so unfun to play. It doesn’t have to be delete as a first option.

Give me an example.

Also, I’ve noticed how brig defenders instantly dismiss valid proof when presented (like her winrate) because overbuff isn’t accurate, but then they go on to use winrate against doomfist.


How is she being easier than the rest of the cast just “my subjective opinion”?. Please just tell my why she is not easy. Just all that Im asking.

This is so true. The only statistics they like is the ones that further their agenda.


She is balanced. I agree. But balance isn’t the only thing they should look into when looking at the state of a character. She feels horrible to play against. Her counterplay is literally to choose Rein or Pharah or just run away. That’s awful game design, especially when they both are only soft counters. Pharah doesn’t have very good splash damage anymore, so killing a brig with Pharah takes a decade and a half, and Reinhardt vs brig is already a close fight until you consider that he has to have his shield down for the duration of the fight to beat her, exposing his team.

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you are the minority and in the wrong you forum poll is a SEVERE minority but keep trying to change facts and then attack people over a hashtag were they cant respond

So you don’t find it ironic how you treat people disagreeing with you, by not listeninjg to their opinion in the first place? Because the other side actually tries to reason and provide experience and evidence, which gets ignored repeatedly over the feel of an emotional aversion to a hero.

This is not the problem here, and there is not a weaseling out of this either. No one says anything about people not having a right to express an opinion, but people also do have the right express an opinion to disagree with something, and people wanting to delete a hero or make her unplayable by your own arbitrary definition of fun, which is forced on other people, is wrong, and you don’t discard people’s opinion for stating the obvious.

The delete brig movement would cease if brig got reworked or changed in a way that made it so she didn’t make the game so unfun to play. It doesn’t have to be delete as a first option.

An example to her design not being lazy, despite that it is based on subjective hate towards her design? This is not even serious.

Lol, I never dismissed winrate, and you would know that if you would actually read my posts in other threads, where you stated same overexagerrations on her and her playerbase. I always provided info that if you look on actual statistic, then Torb has higher winrate than her overall, from Gold to Plat either, with 8 other heroes besting her winrate in GM, her having same pickrate as Zen and lower winrates, and Lucio being picked more than her.

I’ve noticed I never get responses to this evidence of her being balanced, so maybe it’s just another fact which gets ignored because it does not suit the picture.


If you read what I said closely, you would have realized I’m referencing other people, not you.

Please actually read what I posted next time. I was referencing that first quote about contradictions.

My point here was not that we didn’t have a voice, it was that most people don’t even read the posts regarding changes. They simply say “oh, just another brig hater, probably a salty genji main”, which is completely disregarding an opinion/suggestion without anything to back up your claims.

I could literally say the same thing back to any brig defender and it would be true.

On a literal note they are technically not heroes lore wise…

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I honestly find hive mind movements to be disgusting things, those people can’t even form a piece of logic anymore and all they say is delete brigitte.

It’s so bad to a degree that some people can’t even see the common sense that no melee ability should not go through shields no matter the character.

It’s pure inconsistency with the game rules and it shouldn’t go live.


I thought we two were talking here, and not “people”. I always try to provide reasons in my post to support my statements, and I used the statistic to provide proof of her being balanced (still no answer on this, but okay, by now i know I won’t get any).
Also, it is my belief that a minority with a bias on a hero, which is evident by the goals intended by those people hating on Brigitte who again, openly state to make her unplayable, is not constructive nor healthy for the game, and people have the right to say it, without being silenced as Brig abusers, which you conveniently forget the Brig haters do all the time, if we got to the point of speaking about other people.

It is just funny, how you continue to believe your opinion has merit over any other disagreeing, and make those statements as facts. I did not see any proof for her being unbalanced or broken from the Brig haters, with arguments stating the bias against her is wrong, and she is counterable and takes skill to play, ignored over a mob mentality.

Overbuff’s stats show otherwise. She has a disproportionately high winrate at all skill levels.

we need brig to stop tracer!


theyre oficcially nerfing her. she cant stun through shields. this keeps both halves of the balance and im a-ok with that
a healer shouldn’t bully a tank.

Torb has higher winrates than her overall and from Gold onward, maybe Trob needs to be nerfed now, or heroes having a higher winrate than her in top elo, with those winrates:

Mei 58.04%
Pharah 57.39%
Doomfist 57.28%
Symmetra 55.72%
Reinhardt 55.44%
Zarya 55.30%
Zenyatta 55.25%
Junkrat 55.17%

Brigitte winrate of 54.69% as compared to that clearly states that she is OP, yeah right.

You got me, I do want heroes to be balanced. Guilty as charged.

They will test it first, and see how it works out at all first, so don’t jump in excitement about a balanced hero made worse yet.

Exactly. What does she do now? All her uses are getting nerfed… I just don’t know what she’ll be picked for.

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