Don't give in to Anti-Brig Pressure

It’s just complaining and whining by a bunch of people who want balanced heroes completely demolished and/or removed from the game.

Brigitte is balanced. She needs no nerfs. Rebalancing would be fine, so long as it’s not through a rework. But she needs no direct, uncompensated nerfs.


If they really wanna do it… let them.

But I hope the whiners aren’t surprised if she gets a buff to another part of her kit later on. No hero is gonna be intentionally left to be trash, as much as they’d love that for her and Doom.


Agree with your statement, and I say this as Rein main, having no problems countering her or playing around her. She does not need that change, because it will severely impact her only role and reduce her survivabilty with is already low when fighting a Rein with no compensation.


Actually, it’s the tanks who are frustrated as all hell about the stuns, not the #deletebrig movement.

Because chain-stunning really is getting out of control (although I made some smart alack reply in that xqc vs cc thread) .


There are some tanks stating that they can’t play against her, which I as being a tank main myself can’t confirm, she loses to Rein consistently already, and only with the help of her own team can she combat him. The change would mean a very general nerf on her interacting with any tanks, which she does sooner or later because she has to commit, to heal. That stun is the only protection she gets and a long enough CD, with her having no means of quick escape like other healers do.

Still a bad change, if it would be implemented (we shall wait and see), in my opinion.


Please DO give in to the antibrig pressure.

With Ashe here to keep flankers in check, Brig is now redundant lazy design. Dive should be viable to some capacity, obliterating it did not improve the game. The pro meta should not feature zero dps heroes. Reinhardt should be bearable to play.


Just your opinion there, many disagree with that, she is in no way a lazy design simple because you find it so. I don’t and I find her a great addition to the game, expanding its tactics and gameplay possibilities.

So no, don’t give in to the whine.


The mere fact that so much of the community feels so much distaste towards Brigitte after so much time has passed since her release in itself proves her design to be heavily imperfect.


Mob mentality. Many people who have experience playing her and against her say that she is balanced already, so you decide to ignore the opinion of a majority, as forum polls showed as well, over an opinion heavily biased against a core concept of Overwatch, to provide viable heroes for different playstyles, making it much more unique then a generic CoD shooter.


I guess Reaper, Bastion, Sym and Junkrat aren’t heroes


That sounds like a pretty good summary of why Brigitte was created in the first place.


The forums are not a representative sample of the playerbase, and I’m not even talking about balance.

Nor do I think anywhere near a majority would have to be reached to determine if a hero is badly designed.


Look dude. Brigitte does have certain issues with being unbalanced. Her stun can be very frustrating and game changing, she can melt a tracer instantly and the worst part is she can hide behind the little barrier. She needs changes that arent too drastic but she definitely needs changes. Blizzards idea of it not being able to reach behind shields is definitely what we needed.



Key word there.

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So all those threads about how Brigitte is unbalanced and broken, which state obviously false things about her, or advocate nerfing her to the point of being useless, which is very much what is happening right now, the evidence about the #deletebrig movement is there, are not representative of the playerbase, then.

Nor does a minority have the right to make a hero unplayable, for other people playing the game, this is just lack of respect and uncompetitive.


Different people have different perspectives, but yeah I would say that she’s not necessarily imbalanced but so badly designed that her gameplay element has no place in high ranked competitive.

That’s why I’d rather delete Brig than nerf Brig. They can always do the nerf into obscurity thing too, that’s cool. That’s what valve did with things like the gunslinger and the sandman that were really frustrating to fight in tf2. It worked well there. Obviously the flanker counter thing is important, but that can be moved to better designed heroes.


If this vastly improves the game for most of the playerbase, it would be stupid to not give the idea due consideration.


I know you don’t believe it, but this is saying the exact same thing.

Was there a poll? Can you link it? I’m kinda curious

I highly doubt most Ashe players will be trying to keep flankers in check or even effective in doing so.