History repeats itself. It’s not like this is the first time a “pro” started a riot his parrots want in on just 'cause he got tilted.
Again, entirely subjective. Why should your opinion have more merit than mine, because you want her deleted because of bias against her entire concept, when I don’t.
Lets all go and delete other heroes poeple find have no place in game.
Here you go, it is a large number of participants too.
I think Brigitte is balanced as she is right now.
She is a necessary evil due to bad design on some other heroes.
I hate playing against her as Reinhardt, but I think nerfing her shield bash with that change about not going through shields with no compensation is not right.
If you nerf her to oblivion, then genji and tracer are going to come back and dominate with no counters. Genji is already the highest picked hero with a very high win ratio even with the current brigitte version.
If it were just my opinion I’d find it more questionable. But like, all my friends quit after it turned into this CC mess it is today. The high ranked community seems fatigued by it. Jeff himself said the complaints were accurate.
Even the other most hated heroes only had people asking for nerfs, but with Brig it was the entire game element that was the issue and it was so widespread. If they can fix her that’d be even better, but I doubt they can.
Most people have never played in a skill bracket where flankers have ever been enough of an issue to warrant getting obliterated by any enemy player finding the H button.
Mob mentality is what crippled the taxi lady
The problem is “later on” could be 6 months… A year… Two years. Bastion is a thing, for instance.
At the same time, a huge portion of the community playing something and realising “hey, this is awful” and maintaining that perspective for half a year despite hefty nerfs probably implies the game element is terrible.
No it wasn’t. People could outplay her from the start, yet alone now. I managed to deal with her on Rein after a week after she was out, now it is easy to counter her, not only by Rein, but also by Pharah, Doom, Hanzo, Junk, Sombra, reworked Torb and now Ashe shreds her shield and burns her at a range Brigitte is helpless at.
She was a necessary addition to overcome a boring and stale meta, and offered the game many more possibilities, my friends who play Overwatch still play it, they don’t just quit a game because they can’t work around one hero, with the hero being balanced at that.
“I’m in gold to plat and I saw one clip Tracers and 4K blades every game bro. Winston dva were in every game”.
Nah tbh the average player had no reason to complain about dive because dive underperformed (and was picked less) in virtually all tiers. Tracer wr was trash and Rein was played more than Winston and this was true of every tier masters and below.
If anything Brig was added to give pro level players counterplay to the dominance that these heroes had at the absolute top level play. It’s just really sad they gave a tool to gm and owl level players but made that tool have the lowest skill floor AND skill ceiling (which is impressive - I’ve not even seen that in a MOBA) of any of the existing heroes.
They were trying to fix an issue that existed only at the top level of play because the enemy heroes in question had almost limitless skill caps… and they did it not by adding a difficult but extremely strong counter dive hero, but instead by an effortless one dimensional hero. I’d be pissed if I was a pro too. And because of the ease to use she got picked up and has the highest wr of a normal hero in all tiers - even tiers that never saw actual dive comps and where Tracer had dramatically below average win rates.
Pretty disappointing balance decisions. Find some other way to put Dive in check please. Keep the nerfs rolling until her wr is average - not dominant from Bronze to GM. Stats based balancing, not forum crying based balancing ty
Sym 2.0 was op what are you talking about? I had a 70% winrate in gm on all maps with her
Just because the community didn’t spend the time to learn her didn’t mean she was terrible
The kotaku interview recently. Google it.
And, the issue has never been her not having counters. The issue is the game element she brings. I won’t deny dive needed a counter, it just needed a better designed counter than Brig. A truly well designed counter won’t even be particularly frustrating to fight, but with Brig that clearly hasn’t ended up being true. They effectively ruined every close quarter combat heroes.
Ultimately, it comes down that a bunch of players feel like this sort of gameplay interaction “feels unfair to play against”:
“An instantcast ability that completely removes your ability to do anything, for a relatively long time, through shields, on a character that puts in very little risk or skill”
Kinda like a Mei freeze with less counterplay.
Brig isn’t a big problem
So you don’t want to provide proofs for your words? At least back up what you claim, but that is not the case with the fact of her being balanced you can’t provide proofs against either. Even Tracer can counter and kill her by using her kit, which allows her to do damage to her from a safe distance with forgiving damage fall offs.
Being frustrating to fight against is no reason at all for balance, as it is again an entirely subjective opinion not bearing proof. I find Genji to be frustrating to fight against, now let us delete him from the game or make him unplayable for people playing him, because I find him frustrating, that’s what’s wrong and you ignore it, because it shows the bias on hating on a particular hero based on just that.
Many disagree brig is not fine, but hey, their opinion doesn’t matter! Just ignore those people, obviously my opinions are right and theirs are wrong
Participant number doesn’t really matter for non-random selection polls. I was kinda expecting a Brig specific poll. And about 1/4 of people marked Junk as being a character that is overtuned which part of the definition of includes being at a disadvantage if you don’t have them.
Its interesting conceptually though. I might make a poll to gauge how people feel about Brig. I’d probably ask what role they play, what tier bracket, etc. Before digging into questions about her particular impact on the game. A simple check “balanced or overpowered” is about as informative as “do you want her literally deleted from game” (98% will say no and the other 2% will be unreasonable) in terms of gauging public sentiment on her design.
The irony is, you treat people disagreeing with you the same way you described, with people providing arguments against based on their experience you don’t listen, and I remember well you think of Brigitte players as abusers.
But what does it matter, when some feel themselves entitled enough to dictate others, how the game is to be played, despite proof that contradicts the claim made by a vocal hate group on her and her mains.
I’m not some #DeleteBrig person, but I can see why they want her to be toned down, especially with how it feels to play Main Tank these days.