complete bs, mnk is way better and every pc player knows this
I always thought a number of people turned it off because it messes with their timing when given the choice.
i do on many heroes like rein and monkey but on heroes like zar and tracer its such a big disadvantage
Not every PC players has confidence in their abilities. Such as… the developers themselves! Which is why it is disabled.
It can mess you up rarely, but if you want to react to ANYTHING you need higher sens and you get way less aim control with sensitive sticks
That’s why we have aim assist, you can disable it if it’s really messing you up… But for the majority of players it was like “why would I ever turn it off”
Now it’s off by force because I made the mistake of having friends on PC yayyyy
im actualy really pissed off, as if console iisnt screwed over all the time and because pc players cant get good aim on a system way better for aiming we have to suffer
I’ll have to play exclusively tank and Brig/Moira if I play with my PC friends. And that isn’t the WORST thing in the world personally, but it does the opposite of open up the game for me and most other console players. And if you play DPS on console? Might as well opt out of crossplay because you’ll never have a shot.
I remember playing Halo and it had 0 aim assist. People can do without it, lol.
I don’t understand the decision.
This game’s aim assist isn’t very good. It’s basically the bare minimum to make the game playable on controller.
Im excited for cross play, but it’ll be a hard sell to get my console friends to play with me if they have to lose aim assist…
Well, we still have Junkrat.
Why would you want to play aim intensive characters with 30 fps
inb4 all the console dps mains switch to junk.
Lucky for me I don’t play aim intensive characters.
This is such a bizarre choice. Aim assist should be what helps equalize the play between console and PC, not the lack thereof.
I don’t want my console friends to dislike queuing with me because they literally can’t play as well as they should.
Although the aim assist on OW isn’t great, it still helps the xim users on console. Since xim use is undetectable on OW, you could have K&M with aim assist playing against PC players once crossplay happens. Effectively an undetectable cheat.
Turning off aim assist is probably the easiest solution.
Playing controller with no aim assist doesn’t work. Using a controller well already takes a lot of practice. No AA vs pc players will be terrible
You’re the PC friend we console players need
Halo isn’t Overwatch, though.
I think it’s effectiveness should just be reduced by 75% since it’s insanely over powered.
100% agree. I’ve been playing on ps4 since 2017 and my mains are widow, ashe, ana, and Basically now with the lack of AA, all of my mains are just insanely difficult to play and I’m just expected to switch between two widely different aim settings every time I enable/disable crossplay. So I can only play winston, brig, and moira if I want to play well with my PC friends? LOL.
I’ve played on pc on controller with my partner’s computer and it’s so difficult for me to hit anything because of the lack of AA. Really not looking forward to it :(. Not only does this suck for console players, but also the PC players who can’t disable crossplay will have to deal with console teammates who aren’t performing as well as they should be because of no AA.
Wait it’s disabled? When did they say that
Who even cares about cheating in QP or arcade though. Like, console players are still gonna have to deal with pc cheaters and there’s way way way more of those than XIM users. Plus we can’t crossplay for comp, so it’s such a dumb decision.