Don't buy league skins!

I guess this can also be said for the Demon Hunter Sombra skin ofc.
People paid around $50 for the 2018 virtual ticket to get that skin, but they gave everyone a chance to get the skin for free about a year later anyways lmao.

Plus you didn’t even need a virtual ticket to watch the streams. You could simply wait for others to re-upload the VoDs on YouTube a few hours after the event.

The 2018 virtual ticket was a complete waste of money for OW players haha. I truly feel bad for anyone who brought it. I know there was a fine print in the advertising, but not everyone is going to read the tiny text all the way below the official news posts. Poor guys.

not really,
As a person who doesnt watch streams at all in order to get the DVA skin I had to:

  1. buy twitch prime
  2. buy OWL all acess pass or what ever it was called
  3. send 1.8k bit (200 to each team)
  4. wait till they fix the bug because they delivered the skins with like two weeks delay
  5. twitch kept charging me for 1 year after i have canceled prime, and when I called them they told me to cancel my credit card and get a new one and didnt even refund me.

Really? You’re shaking? Really?

I don’t really watch the streams either :man_shrugging:t2:

Tbh I don’t remember the exact requirements for the grey skins but I strongly doubt all this was required:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I thought you just had to watch X hours of contenders, all free to air :man_shrugging:t2:

Oh no, you had to wait!?

That sucks. I… dunno if it believe it though… that just seems insane to have to cancel a card to end a membership lol.

You seem to be mixing up the grey skins with the green skins. The grey ones were available in 2018 for the requirements stated by the OP.

Been playing about 8 months and have half of everyone’s stuff.

Contrary to popular belief, OW is easy as far as unlocking cosmetics you want.

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Are we gatekeeping terrible skins now?


They said all star, MVP and championship skins might come back and I can GUARANTEE they won’t be free. So no thanks I’ll keep buying legendary skins but not waste tokens on epic team skins. And even if I get it I’m sure more people would be more impressed with the Celestial D.VA skin compared to a recolour with an Overwatch League logo imprinted.

Definitely is compared to Apex, which requires you to take out a mortgage

i got all the dps NYXL skins in 2018 and 2018 me was dumb enough to believe the roster wouldn’t change and now the only player i support in nyxl is jjonak :neutral_face:

I’m going to buy them all. If they rerelease old ones I’ll buy those too. New ones yup. For characters I didn’t even like.

OW1 is just me getting skins and golden guns for OW2 PVE at this point.

they will probably will give them away for free anyway

Your reason is ridiculous. Don’t by these skins because it tells them that this kind of monetization is ok. Vote with your wallet.

Who the … cares… It’s just … skins… No one is special with them…

Hasn’t it always been that way?
If you watch, you can earn free tokens to buy the skins…

Lol, I’m pretty sure that’s not true.

This sounds like bait, tbh

Lol, you didn’t have to spend any money. You chose to, lol

Poor guy wants to feel special because he owns a skin, news flash dude you aren’t special because you have a limited time skin lol.

I didn’t know u could even buy the grey ones…Unless ur talking Shock, which I highly doubt it. Whatever, some skins are meant to be rare, some not so much, like Pre-Purchase Widowmaker skin is meant to be rare af, not so much as for something a lot of people might argue is bland, like these grey OWL skins (Others, not me, I think they are alright skins). + this isn’t exactly free. U have to watch some hours of OWL, then they give it to u in-game. And u have to be logged in to recieve rewards. Somewhat similar to OWL tokens, but put into a special skin if u watch OWL at a very specific timing. (Tournament days)

yes I chose to get a unique skin for my character, I didnt know I am going to be backstabbed

No, no this can’t be said for Demon Hunter Sombra. That skin LITERALLY said on the purchase page for it that it would be made available in game later that year. Blizzard TOLD you on the page where you buy it.

It really was not that small nor was it hard to read. And who doesn’t read up on something before they blow $50?