Don't buy league skins!

As a DV.A Mainer I went through hell to get grey league skin. Every one was jelaous I have that super-rare skin and I was really proud of it and never took it off.

Now they just give it away for free… why would I ever buy anything again if they eventually give it for free.

I would understand if they made slightly different skin at least for the sake of decency or a skin for a new character. But no! They took the most rare skin in game and just gave it away.

I cant believe it Im still shaking.



Um I’ve never bought a skin or loot boxes and have everything.


[counts all the league skins she owns but didn’t pay for]



I wouldn’t go as far as to say I’d be shaking lmao

But I do have my gray genji skin that’s worth 40$ and if that would come out for free I’d be pissed off and would hope for a refund


Well, in the end no one said that the grey skins that u could get back then were a one time thing. So I don’t mind that they give them out for free now


wait how do i get it for free?

isn’t it going to be given for watching hours?

I own the skin too but tbh I want it to become obsolete so I won’t have to use it anymore

I think you need to watch some x hours of OWL and they just unlock it in the game. Link all the necessary accounts (youtube<–>bnet(<–>psn/xbl/switch). Not exactly free since you need to invest time into it.

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Ok you convinced me, I won’t spend money on skins anymore.

Back in 2018 they said the OWL grey skins were just to have them early and they would be released again at some point

Even though I knew this, I still bought the all access pass when it went half price cause I wanted the Moira skin.

It was 1,800 bits?

Though, I do kinda understand how you feel, these ones imo should have been left exclusive to the Season 1 OWL to showcase people who supported. However as I said above, they did say they were coming back, so to be fair we did have them for 3 years before they began releasing them again.


Calm down. It’s a skin in a video game you flexed on dumb kids. You watched a stream in 2019, not special for it.


I’m not sure if OP is trolling or not but if he’s actually serious it’s genuinly sad how much people care about skins. Especially and Mercy mains.



True, I ain’t even bothered, I read that they were just an early reward, though on twitch we did actually have to pay for them as we had to buy the pass or spend bits. Glad it’s not like that now and we can earn the skins for free just from having the stream open lol.

Maybe they are just angry that they spent about $30 on 2000 bits to get it or smth


What’s the key for doubt again?

I have never, not once heard anyone comment on the rarity of someone else’s skin in game.


Yea, when owl tokens came back to the stream the viewers syrocketed from like 10k to 100k (in the first few days anyways). Whats it looking like nowadays? I had it open only for a couple of days to get NYXL Hanzo.

Dunno, don’t watch it much since it went off twitch lol. Youtube is just a weird experience to me lol. I just use it to get those sweet tokens in the background lmaoo

What happened to this thread? The formatting is hard to read.

It’s the post above yours screwing up the thread

You got it before everyone else.

Did you really think a skin that rare wasn’t going to be rereleased? Like at that point it’s practically a waste of installation disk space and whatever effort it took to make and release the skin.

Yeah, I had to open it on the Edge brower to view it “correctly” since it just displays an infinitely long nothing starting at the post above mine in Firefox. Blizzard needs to limit the max font size that can be used.