Don't buy league skins!

But it took so much skill to have a spare $15 and hit the buy button at one particular 3 week window 2 years ago. It coming back would water down how hard it was to do this!



I bet they would make so much money if they brought back a skin at least ONCE! I’ve never missed an interval on a skin I want but damn, just reading it sounds so stupid.

Not only were those skins early access from the start, they were early access for like 3 years.

I had about 5 of them myself, but for free since I used the “watch ads for bits” thing with Twitch.

Plus it not like everyone is automatically getting them for free, you still have to watch the stream for 4 hours. After that, the skin will really be gone forever.

Who cares! It’s just skins and i’m honestly happy for ppl like me who missed out on skins to be able to get them again.

I’m honestly never gonna understand why ppl are against others getting the same skins? O.O like yeah i can understand situations where some ppl had to buy skins and later on they came out for free like sombras demon hunter skin, it’s pretty unfair and not cool but i still think it’s selfish to have a mindset where others can’t have something that you have.

Like come on?

How do you get the “grey” league skins?

This is what happens when they put D.Va on an OWL Grey skin pool and everyone everywhere says “VOTE FOR D.VA VOTE FOR D.VA”.

Neither of these show up in the hero gallery until you filter for them. Even if you don’t have it, you’ll still be 100%.

source: I 100%'d Genji, but still lack Illidan and Pacific.

I must be one of the few that doesn’t find any appeal in the OWL skins.

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ikr same lol, I only got Moira’s cause I’m a completionist, otherwise I wouldn’t care either lol

You didn’t buy the skin, you bought the all-access pass.

Early access to the skin was an added bonus. Imagine caring that much about pixels on a screen.

Btw, I also got the skin in 2018.

Oh I know. They just said they had “everything,” not that they had a full hero gallery. “Everything” to me means well… “everything”

All games are just pixels on a screen lol.

“Imagine caring that much about atoms floating around in space” :roll_eyes:

Last time I had someone ogle over my skin was when that Country Skin Dva and Jazzy Lucio came out in the first Anniversary event. I mean, I did get them in my first 2 event lootboxes :smiley:

But yeah, nobody cares about your skins anymore. They just look it as like “Yay, that’s cool”

They probably will pay more attention to them if the skins start to have their own custom special visible ability effects, like the Wolf Hanzo skin. I bet people will put Cultist Zen on a pedestal if it has a custom Eldrtich horror Transcendence effect.

I never bought league skins, not including all stars skins, some of those I bought. I don’t like OWL, I never did, and thought it was forced upon us, so I was never going to buy any of those skins. Hell the All Stars skins I bought, I purchased Wow tokens in Wow, and converted to BNet Balance, then purchased the tokens to buy them. I would NEVER give a single Penny to OWL, it’s ruined the game I once loved.

You can recieve the grey Dva league skin by watching the OWL Summer Showdown from July 15-17.

Lately theyve been re-releasing grey league skins as rewards for watching the monthly OWL events on certain days for x amount of time. Which hero gets the skins each month is up to whoever wins the OWL’s Twitter poll.

So far those who have won the twitter polls have been Ana, Mercy, and Dva.

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Well, parts of games are also the human beings playing them. Human beings have worth.

A cosmetic skin for a video game character with no monetary value (it was a free pack-in for Overwatch League in 2018 and its a free give-away in 2021) is literally worthless. Getting upset because other people can see the same worthless combination of pixels on their screen as you can is just silly.

I have every exclusive skin. I paid for things in order get most of them. Blizzard should add them all to generic loot boxes. Especially Pink Mercy. :slight_smile:

Leave a computer running at X time for Y hours on Z days…? The hardest thing about getting the skins was finding and interpreting the schedule.

Some people need to get a grip.
Its a digital cosmetic ffs.

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its just a skin
chill out
if people want it let blizzard re release it

you wouldnt get one, and just because somthing costs X one day doesnt mean later it wouldnt be released for less or even free.

do i think its scummy, sure. but thats just how things work sadly. anything that is a temporary release will half the time be added by a dev into the game later for free as the event is long since passed.

its kinda like how the skins per event are 3000 tokens then next year they are 1000 for the same event. that but with a more direct translation of money.