Don't buff Mercy. That's not what she needs

Possibly? As far as im aware there was never a bug that allowed Mercy to activate GA without an ally within range

Nothing is going to prevent me from using my pistol when my team is ignoring the flipping tracer trying to take me out, I will use it, and if the opportunity presents itself I will valk and destroy the widow that everyone is ignoring. They can flame all they want for all I care. It’s part of her kit.


Fortunately, the game has a solution for those who are unhappy with any one character - over two dozen others to choose from


She needs firstly bug fixes and the QoL like “Valkyrie doesn’t break beams” or “Making better animation res to adjust it from animation done and res complete” and these things. Then we can talk about buffs if still needed

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It is my understanding that superjump has always required a GA target, since it is a function of GA, which itself requires a target

Poor Widow.

I heard she was once a nice girl. Had the heart of a child even. She kept in a jar of course.

Poor poor Widow.

I disagree with you. I think that Mercy has design flaws that need fixed even if you are willing to tolerate them.


I dont see it as dumb luck, given that there is decision making involved and an assessment of risk vs reward, all needing to be done rather quickly

Mercy in my opinion is fine for the most part. She is not overpowered but she is not weak either. That is how all the supports should be.


If pistol remains a part of her kit, it is there to be used

Flaming someone over using a part of their kit is ridiculous

She’s not exciting either. No power moves.

You’ll never hear anyone say ooh, aah or wow for her on any OWL matchup. Not ever anymore.

They took that away too.

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You are technically right. I still think that you should reexamine whether or not you think if Mercy needs any changes.

The statement doesnt I made doesnt bear on any design flaws or on my tolerance of anything, and as such, I dont understand the statement quoted above that was made in reply

I could care less what people say in OWL

I care about my own enjoyment of a character

I find that Mercy has plenty of wow moments for me


It’s just that I know what your opinion is on Mercy, and I figured it was a nice ice-breaker.

You are a very tolerant person to put up with how Mercy has been handled.

“Brigitte wants to know your location”

as i said, that is my understanding.

It is either right or wrong, and I dont think there is anything technical about it

That said, despite hours of practice, I have yet to successfully execute an intended superjump in a game, so it is hardly a subject on which I can claim any practical experience…my knowledge of it comes almost exclusively from reading about it and watching videos where it is demonstrated and/or executed by others

I don’t really see it changing much from now since aside from GOATS people weren’t running 3 heals, so it’s not like we’re down anything. In fact more often than not we’d be gaining a healer instead of people going 3 dps.

Congratulations! Having a goal to work towards probably makes Mercy a bit less boring for you now, that’s great!

I dont think the word “tolerant” (or any form of said word) applies to me at all in the context of my view of the current state of Mercy

I enjoy playing her

I think she is well designed, well balanced, effective, and fun to play

“Tolerate” strongly implies that I dislike her in some fashion, and quite simply, I dont dislike her