Don't buff Mercy. That's not what she needs

The problems many people on this forum now have with Mercy mains stem from that, actually.

We knew in advance that they intended to work on her, and there we multiple megathreads of ideas on how to deal with the problems she had.
They ignored those, Valkyrie came out.
I cannot speak on behalf of anyone else, But I personally stopped playing while moth meta was a thing, in large part because of it being so obviously overpowered ( in context, I had one of the highest playtimes on her when the rework went live)

Eventually she got nerfed, again, and again, and again. They took away the things that many people found fun about her. Some streamer (who I do not know the name of as I wasn’t a part of this), rallied many mercy mains to raid these forums at some point, in an attempt to make them stop ruining her. This got nothing from the developers, and hatred from everyone else.

Even today, the damage those raids did to the reputation of Mercy mains is still fairly visible in the way the community acts towards them, and they happened because of the sledgehammer solution Blizzard chose instead of the numerous ones presented.


Mercy needs 2 more arms so she can shoot while using her staff.

Yes, and with nothing to affect that variable, like bringing multiple players back, instead of one. It’s not a constant during match either - player can get tired, was about to switch heroes, etc.

With Dead-Eye McCree at least has the “luxury” of aborting the ult and gaining a reload - Mercy bloody well can’t even do that. There is no amazing IQ involved in rezzing because you are basically playing Texas poker - these are your cards, do you want to gamble on them or not? Only the Mercy player is only given one round and no choice in folding.


Just play a diffrent healer. Mercy is fine and her ress is overpowered

To reach maximum as Mercy, you need some supernatural powers:

  • ability to predict, if teammate you resurrect just now will be able to win you this fight. Even if they got ult, it’s still not guaranteed;
  • ability to predict, when your teammate will hit their shot, before they actually make that shot;
  • ability to predict, when teammate will fire their shot;

It’s like playing poker, where you not allowed to look at your own cards.

I did give 3 examples of abilities where they aren’t hard limited by all other players offering an opportunity to the user then decide on whether to take it. There’s more too e.g. lucio doesn’t have to wait on people coming to him since he can get to people more with wall ride which also lets him not be so reliant on teammates’ protection assuming they can wallride well, zen doesn’t need to rely too much on his teammates on hitting his discord targets the more zen is able to dps well on his discord targets, etc.

res doesn’t have any of that. it’s only a judgement call. there’s no interesting mechanic in it or mercy’s kit to make it significantly less reliant on everyone else’s actions. thus making it feel lackluster and feel like what’s being done and what’s being achieved is hardly from the mercy player’s skill nor actions.


It’s unfortunate that the devs ignore the mass majority and only listen to the pro complaints, huh.

Only 1% of any gaming population is professional. They think we’re all gonna play like the professionals. They really shouldn’t. A majority of us are mid-tier. Average. Et cetera.
Balancing around the mid-tier has been proven to be more effective/more fun for all ranks. But. Ya know. Acti-Blizzard wants money from OWL rather than caring about the vast majority in an outcry about their stupidity.

It’s super unfortunate that they’ve given into corporate greed, too, rather than the enjoyment of games. I guarantee that if a pro complained that Mercy needed mass res back and started a movement that they’d listen.

(Also I think you’re thinking of Aria.)


we disagree, and I am ok with that

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