Dont buff brig. Rework her


Experimental Mode – Baptiste, Mei, and Fine-Tuning Health

No because you have to just look at the general of your team and inspire is free value for one button because it has a huge radius

I generally agree that a rework would be better, else brig enables double shield or something, but this buff only helps her survivability without buffing inspire or anything, best change they could do that wasn’t a rework.

Omg, your scared for 25 extra hp? On one of the worse performing supports that has a ton of counters?


Honestly the hate of brig really makes me realize just how many shady illogical bias people there are.


You’re claiming a hero that exclusively counters chip damage and can’t prevent one shots was nerfed because of people who play one shot heroes. The same one shot heroes who are countered by divers… the heroes Brig was invented to shut down.

And you question my awareness? :clown_face:
I’d be surprised if you’re even capable of recognizing something you find inconvenient.

They really don’t have to do anything of the sort. Complaining about inspire when lucio exists and basically does the same thing but without conditions is kinda laughable.

You’ve been condescending but haven’t actually refuted my point properly because you are not aware of what Brig’s armor packs are capable of. But please continue to stand on your “high ground” and act like no one else plays the game.

Brig armor prevented Widow, Hanzo, and Ashe from 1 shoting the 200 hp roster and below, and many streamers and pro-players were vocal about it. Yes Brig used to be able to stop divers, if and only if divers got close to her. If you are playing a sniper right, you are on a high ground where your Brig probably isn’t going to be at, and Brig may be able to health pack you, but she probably wouldn’t be able get to you fast enough if at all to counter the dive.

Lucio has half the radius of inspire. Inspite heals even if you leave her aura. If your healing as lucio your not geting ANY value out of speedboost and isnt diffucult to activate inspire with brig

you keep making threads about brig how about you adapt and move on? its getting spammy and annoying now brig will still exist in the game whether you like it or not instead of complaining just learn how to counter her stupid.

Lucio has half the radius of rally with beat see? they aint that much of a difference you’re just biased and hate brig

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How is inspire ‘free value’ when you have to hit a enemy to proc it? Genji deflect, Hog take a breather and Tracer recall are more ‘free value’ then inspire…

Wdym this is the only brig thread i have made. And yes while i do dislike her i do t want her to burn. Im saying brig should have to put more input in order to get more value. Her packs should be reworked to have more mechanics to it and reward brig for it. And for ults comparing objectively if your playing both heroes at there best brig could get ult faster(i think) and in some cases rally is better then beat cause it lasts longer and prevents some one shots. I think brig should have the 250 hp with insp but packs should be reworked