Don't blame the Mercy Mains Flooding the forums

-.- According to Blizzard they are doing nothing wrong :stuck_out_tongue:

Didn’t say whether it was wrong or not, just saying that they hold the blame for flooding the forums because they’re flooding the forums.:woman_shrugging: and it’s definitely not all the mercy mains

Thank god their flooding is justifiable then. :innocent:

Well… After so many days of censorship, they can finally voice their thoughts without being moved to the megatrash.

So well… they are enjoying their freedom, I guess ;p

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Same here… My parents have even called me out for it. They know too well.

That makes sense… Everyone handles debates and situations like that differently, and that’s also sort of why I’m afraid to debate with people I don’t know very well.

I’m really glad that didn’t happen, haha ;v;

(Oh no it’s the weird “I’m tired and my brain stop functioning” time)
I suppose it’s sort of nice to know. I don’t really understand other people very well, which is something else I’ve been trying to work on entirely. This kind of thing actually helps me out a lot.

It’s honestly just natural. Removing language, culture, all those things. Cave man style, if I’m just wandering around foraging and hunting in a forest, if I come across another able bodied male… What do I have to gain from being overly aggressive toward them? If I have a family, a woman, children, needing what I’m bringing back in order to survive, what purpose does it serve to antagonize and potentially threaten ofc my well being but by extension theirs as well?

The supreme excellence is not to have fought 100 battles and won them all. It is to have won 100 battles without fighting a single one.

It serves no purpose for me to go out of my way to needlessly introduce due to ego, preconception, personal conclusion, faith, so on and so forth, resistances between me and another when it comes to interacting. It is simply work. However, if someone shows they are not willing to through interaction, discussion, etc, etc, to consider my position, and instead try to impose their position upon me… Why would I be nonviolent? How does pacifism serve me here? How does turning the other cheek keep those dependent on me from feeling the consequence?

None of these considerations are outlandish or difficult to understand, they are just things we do not want to have to consider. The modern person prioritizes convenience over oh so much. They will do their best to avoid accepting responsibility or admitting they were wrong. That is, just naturally, what is encouraged and rewarded.

However, it is only through humility, honesty, and self awareness, which you have clearly displayed here, that you truly begin to understand who and why you are, and why things are they way they are. Arrogance serves no one other than the arrogant, and it’s only a luxury of circumstance that allows the arrogant to be… Well… Arrogant.

I hope so. Honestly that’s the only reason I have gone so wordy. I hope some of the things I have said resonate with you in some way or another, and that you can apply possibily what was experienced here to other aspects of your life.

I appreciate deeply your expressions here. Your level of exposure. I hope nothing but the best for you, and I hope I have helped in some minimal way.

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That actually does make a lot of sense… I never really thought of it that way.

I used to be awful when it came to this, but it’s actually one of my strengths now… Oddly enough. It’s why I’m super inconsistent when I do decide to debate, I suppose.

I try my best to do so when it comes to this sort of thing, for sure. It will likely help me out with my people skills. :stuck_out_tongue:

I believe you have, and likewise!

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You are an awesome person, my friend.

Please don’t let the ugliness of this world convince yourself otherwise. The world needs more people like you.

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Aaa thank you, you seem pretty awesome yourself :>

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Indeed, action does need to be taken:
Remove her.
I personally think she should be the first candidate for ‘dies in lore and dies in game’
All she has done so far is cause problems, forget a rework- just get rid of her, she has little to no personality, the standard blonde angel getup, nothing of real value anyone should miss.

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We honestly don’t care if she’s super OP or UP. We just want her to be fun. All of these changes have made her feel sluggish and hard to have an impact with. 14 nerfs in a row does that to a hero

No responses is a response in itself. it means “No” usually.

I wonder why it’s called, “no response” then… :face_with_monocle:


Majority of the Mercy threads were flagged and removed or merged was because they were literally troll threads that said the same thing over and over again. Revert is something that’s never going to happen because it would be an absolutely stupid and unhealthy thing to do so the devs will never do it but at the same time they’re not going to come here and explicitly say that it’s not going to happen because that would just induce negativity and even more angry threads about revert.

However the latest changes to her have made her undertuned and her statistics are quite alarming. This means that rather than Ana being more viable while Mercy’s in a healthy state, Ana is not popular simply because Mercy is performing poorly. Overall this means that Mercy has to be tweaked again or the floodgates of Mercy threads will open as soon as Mercy mains realize how cheaply they’ve been treated with the latest nerf and the uproar eventually will lead to the same thing where they’ll have to tweak her again. Worst case scenario is that they’ll refuse to buff her healing back and end up buffing her rez or they’ll try something too small like buffing HPS to 60 while she’s in Valkyrie which wouldn’t help her in a considerable way. If the price of Ana being meta is that Mercy is underpowered then it’s better if Ana is never meta

You do realize you’re part of the reason why the Mercy megathreadbin is now unusable for its intended purpose of keeping the forums clean, right?

I remember when the Mercy mains taunted the poor Hog Mains when it was 0.5% pick rate.


Jeff still sees your presence in the games. Can’t take back the love that he gave you. It’s to the point where he nerfs and nerfs you. And he cannot remove Rez so he must destroy you, oh.

bruh OP says be dont direct the hate to mercy mains but to the company itself. and here i see people still taunting each other. seriously though if it weren’t for the game’s players, it wouldn’t be a success and it’s not entitlement to complain about something that doesn’t feel right.

maybe it’s time to push blizz to finally admit mistakes they made after many unjust changes not just to mercy but many heroes alike

They absolutely did.

All flawlessly valid points. Thanks for a good post that objectively evaluates the situation :+1:!

Had the OW team engaged with some bits of the feedback sooner, and more often, we wouldn’t be here today with Mercy being well… this horrible warzone of discussion I guess. Instead they left the megathreads to rot pretty much.

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