Don't blame the Mercy Mains Flooding the forums

Fundamental flaws are fundamental. A few tweaks makes this problem irrelevant.

Nah, I completely disagree with you. I believe that Mass res was certainly the superior ult. Mas rez was never OP for 5 months like Valk was. So an argument of Valk being better than Mass rez in that case is most certainly a weak one.

I think Mercy 2.0 showed what OP and must-pick truly mean ;p


lmao yes

That’s basically how I look at it. :>

This… I find it funny how quickly some of the people in the “anti-revert” camp forget this “fundamental flaw” :smirk:

When interacting in a humble, honest, open, and considerate way with another human being, I don’t really see any reason why gender should even be hinted at or remotely brought up. But our programming, the state of the culture we grew up in, etc, all predisposes us to using certain ways of referring to ourselves and everything in general.

I try to remain as neutral as possible in terminology and all things interactive with another. (Ik I can be a _____ and condescend frequently etc etc, it happens). I just see no reason for me not to be mindful of these things. If it improves a persons ability to be themselves in my presence, I consider that an amazing return on me being mindful of what I say.

I think we all need to just take a little more time to understand each other better, and not be so quick to judge or assume one’s intentions.


See, originally when it came to this sort of thing I would be afraid that I was just getting attacked. I think it’s just because of weird past experiences, but I get defensive super easily because of it. These kinds of conversations help me calm down and handle debates properly in the future… Ya know?


Honestly I haven’t had that impression of you, you actually seem pretty level-headed in your discussions :slight_smile:

I’ve been trying to work on it. I was way worse before, but to this day it’s still a bit of a habit. It’s really easy to hide it over text, too.

Yes I completely relate. And it’s not unusual for you to feel that way, or be apprehensive or defensive in regards to stating your position. Especially in such a wide open forum where you are exposed to every kind of scrutiny. You could consider what you said to be very… genuine and unintrusive, however, there will be that one internet troll out there that will take one small miswording and run with it all the way to Narnia.

It discourages heavily even the idea of trying to express yourself, as expression is in so many ways exposure. Exposure, criticism, judgement… These are scary and, imo, unfair things. We can never expect someone else to fully consider or be mindful of what we experience, as they live their own life, just as we do.

All we can do is just be mindful of these very natural and inherent flaws and fallibilities and offer to one another the open palm of understanding when we greet each other.

My problem for instance is my patience is very thin, due to life experience. Therefore, when someone closes their fist to me, I do so back, and I’m quite good at closed fisted approaches. However… I always regret it the morning after.

I always could have done better. I could have been more understanding, considerate, and open.


Do you like my singing? I totally slayed all them haters :sunglasses:

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Music is a universal language.


Fists are never the answer. Next time point a gun at them or take out a knife and use the slice and dice method.

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Civ 4 I think? IIRC? No idea what they’re saying. Feels so good though.

Yes. Intro to the game. Still a solid tune.

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Ugh, I’m the same way. I also have this weird “I want to please everyone” mentality, which 1000% amplifies all of those feelings you mentioned. ;-;
It’s interesting, I remember someone telling a bunch of people to avoid debating with you for multiple reasons… I can’t remember what. But you actually seem kind of chill when you just talk. And all of it makes sense based on what you’ve said here.

Is that your singing? It’s pretty gooood

It’s not my singing. I’d go deaf if I sang like that.

Don’t blame the subset of mercy mains who are knowingly flooding the forums for knowingly flooding the forums?

Oh gee, that might not be a good idea… Going deaf doesn’t sound so bueno.

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I know that. It always ended with that one, ONE negative comment or dislike in a flood of positivity and you are literally sitting crying in the corner, because even you do everything right, someone gave you something negative ;p

I wasted way too many time on that.

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They’re wise to advise that. It is typically not in someone’s best interest to debate with me. While, when I’m in the mood, while the person I have been talking to expresses themselves in these various ways, will be very chill and very appreciative. I do greatly enjoy discussing constructively life and all various subjects with people.

At the same time, history, conditioning, culture, all things play in. And, if someone approaches me with what I referred to as a close fisted approach, I will close my fist. And that time… I do become very difficult to deal with. It’s been something I’ve struggled with in all aspects of my life. Just how it is.

I am mindful of it though. You exposed yourself, that was a risk. If I was what people described to you, I would have seen that as an opportunity to jump at you and just lash out or whatever. Not who I am. I appreciated the effort and what it meant for you to say what you did. It’d be disgustingly dishonorable for me to respond in a way that doesn’t return such a truthful and appreciative gesture.

Edit: And see? Your own exposure of self and such, encouraged and inspired me to talk about things I really have no right or reason to talk about in this forum. I just appreciate your level of self assessment, and try to show you that everyone assesses themselves to similar degrees… Regardless if they will admit or even acknowledge it.