Don't believe the win/loss lies:

The issue is every diamond plus player will tell you well they can solo carry themselves out of silver no problem (which they can)

But that is cause they so far outskill the bracket that is a trivial exercise. Look as a low to mid gold player I am sure I can solo carry sub 1000 SR games too… but it isnt exactly scientific.

I am going to do a 30 game per account run here very soon. I once did it about a year ago. I went like 14-16 on my low gold account and like 19-10-1 on my high gold account. Who knows what is going to happen this time when I compare this low gold account to my low silver account.

So far this season however I am finding it FAR easier to win in low gold and than low silver. AND NO I am not being carried. My stats are actually better in low gold which makes zero sense.

Right now there is no doubt in my mind that silver has a SERIOUS smurfing problem. The mechanical skill of tracers and widows I have seen cant be explained by “low elo power creep” These are clearly bored plat+ smurfs

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Okay let’s tell the truth now.

I am a Blizzard Agent that’s forcing players to go down their ranks. I’m specialized in DPS mains who’s nickname starts with T, G, xd, Dark, D4rk, 69, and every nickname using a particular font (like mine). I operate between 3.5 and 3.7. My code name is Electronic Arts (check my username to know why, they’re pretty funny at blizz HQ).

I am the plague of players really deserving GM but are hardstuck in low master.
I am the doom of every player hoping to reach mid-master.
I am Agent Electronic Arts.


  • This isn’t true.

Getting to GM is a mostly trivial endeavor for people who maintain at least 4200 SR every season.

Being on a different account doesn’t change that.

The thing is - placement matches result in placing you within 200 SR of your previous season result. And, since placement matches are no different from regular matches in terms of matchmaking, they provide you with the same SR range teammates and enemies.
Placement matches are not designed to climb or to be a promotion matches. I don’t know, why they exist, honestly. PROBABLY, something to do with “alt accounts being totally fine”.

I never said you were incompetent, but you have a 20% win rate, and seem to be blaming your teammates? That just doesn’t make sense.

I’m guessing you’re referring to yourself as the “lowballed people?”

Having a 20% win rate, it does sound like the matchmaker is placing you with opponents and teammates that are too skilled for you. When you first start playing, your SR moves more quickly in order to get you placed at the right spot. It may take a few games though.

And I’m not trying to be mean. It’s okay to be bad at video games, really! haha. But to say a ridiculous thing like “the matchmaker is forcing me to stay at this rank,” just doesn’t make sense.

Most diamond players can carry themselves out of platinum too. Do you want to know how I know this? Because they have. lol.

I see so many people post that they belong at a higher rank, but without any reason as to why. If player A has climbed from bronze to silver, and player B can’t, why does player B think he belongs in silver???

Here is my counter argument. This account is low gold and I am doing just fine and totally am not getting carried.

On my silver account even on heroes that I can play att gold level I have to tryhard and basically break my back to win games down there quite often.

You cant logically say that I am really a silver player but yet can win in low gold unless I am getting carried. My stats in low gold are actually better…

Now I agree that there are no legit diamond players hard stuck in silver… But it is quite clear that SR isnt exactly accurate by any stretch of the imagination either.

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Maybe the issue isn’t that there’s any sort of ‘lock’, but rather, people gradually get better. So as you get better, so do they.
So our SR never actually moves even though we keep getting better, unless we improve at a faster rate (due to game volume or faster learning from equal games) than our peers.

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Do you play after placements? That’s honestly the most likely way you are going to climb. Placements are not rigged, I promise. 10 games is just a small sample size. I went 3-7 this season, placed where I left off last season, and through a combo of solo q and stacking have ranked up. I deranked and ranked up again with solo q. I have a 65% WR this season on my mein. And 56% from last season. Despite bombing placements. I highly doubt it’s all luck with teammates. If your teammates can throw games, so can you. I’ve had games where afterwards i wanted to smack myself. I’ve single handedly lost comp games because i was too greedy for a kill, died, which made the last fight 5v6. I’ve messed up ults that cost us the game. I’ve lost a game because I wasn’t tracking the enemy Rein’s shatter. If I had, and had blocked it, we would have won.

Learn a hero that is more self reliant, Soldier or Hog are both good picks. Learn where your health packs are and learn to take advantage of the enemy team’s making the same stupid mistakes as yours.


I can… have you tried making friends?

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You’re all over the place here. In your original post you say you have proof that Blizzard is forcing you to have a certain win rate. Now your response to that is that it’s just placing you with worse players?

You claim to have hard proof, but you refuse to acknowledge that personal experience is not hard proof of a general point.

If you’re really interested in making a case for rigged matches and Blizzard only placing you with people much worse than you, then how about we ask some questions?

Why might Blizzard want to keep you back by handicapping you with worse teammates?
Why don’t they do it to players like me?
How do they decide who to hold back and who to help?
Why would they want to do this to players when it would result in lots of players having an improper SR?
Since Blizzard collectively is not stupid, why would they sabotage the integrity of the MMR and matchmaking systems just to control your SR, and maybe some others. That defeats the purpose of the system they worked hard to create.

Now ask yourself which is more likely: Blizzard specifically chose you and some others to mess with, or you’re just not as good as you think you are. I think it’s more likely that you’re not as good as you think you are, because in my experience it’s easy to overestimate yourself. I did for a long time.

You can wear the freshest clothes, eat at the chillest restaurants and hang out with the hottest chicks, but still be bronze in Overwatch!

It will be ok! You have enough advice from players across the spectrum of ranks here to see that it’s your own play that needs to improve if you want to climb. It’s not the system or anything beyond yourself holding you back. Like I said before, watch streamers like Jayne and record your own VODs for review. Most importantly stop worrying about the rest of your team and focus on your plays and decisions.

If you spend your time focusing on the things above, instead of here on the forums, I see silver, maybe even gold in your future! Good luck.

What’s more likely: that Blizz is using their knowledge of the matchmaker to force the largest portion of their million upon millions of players into all having their own personal 50-50 winrate by rigging the teams, or that your tinfoil-hat conspiracy theory is preventing you from thinking critically about your own gameplay and improving?

If what you say is proof:

How have my placement results have been different the last 3 seasons?

How come I ended 200sr lower then my end of season in the past two seasons but placed 100sr higher then my end of season this season?

How did I start in Bronze in season 1 and am now in high gold/low plat?

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Keep telling yourself that

I lost more than I won in season 10. Dropped an embarrassing amount of SR. Didn’t throw a single game.

My fault.

You know whose fault it wasn’t? Blizzard’s. The notion that they are some secret Illuminati society targeting my account for obliteration based on their nefarious sadistic algorithms is about as narcissistic as it can get.

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I don’t know what that is supposed to even mean. I’ve climbed to GM over a single day on multiple occasions on my accounts. Im telling you a fact. This objective observation is not a debate or opinion.

He’s right. I could get any account given to me up to 3700ish SR easily. After that, it becomes difficult because that’s where I belong right now.

You were inferring it with your speech.

Bull. Your entire presence in this post has been condescending. Please stop commenting since you never offer anything constructive and are having trouble comprehending what I actually typed.

Not at all what I said. This is what I said:

Please don’t comment if you can’t even 1) remember what was typed 2) comprehend what was typed 3) expend the little effort it takes to actually scroll to top of page for a proper a) refresh of topic and b) proper quote.

Why no reply to my statements? :cold_sweat: I was positive and constructive. :blush:

So how does Blizzard decide who to lock where? Please let me know. Apparently I’m “Locked” at Masters.

Wait a second, let me use my brain for a sec… hmm…

Never mind. I’m here because it’s as high as my skill can take me right now.

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