Don't be fooled by them. Mercy is still a main healer and a good one

50 hps is the value she had when this game was released and she’s been a main healer since day one (and was the only one). The introduction of Ana and Moira doesn’t change that.

She’s still good. Second most healing/game after Moira, but Moira is mostly picked for specific comp where she can heal multiple targets.


People will complain about power creep making 50hp/s irrelevant, but just as many dps are weaker than at launch as are stronger.


prepare yourself for the mercys


Mercy remains, and has always been, the most reliable healer in the game. Whether it is healing through shields, or simply being able to keep up with the healing target in order to apply the healing when and where it is needed.

She has her shortcomings (as should all characters), but she also has her advantages. That her HPS is no longer the best in the field does not mean she isn’t a main healer, histrionics to the contrary not withstanding.


Yeah, seriously, in most of the ranks Mercy is fine. In gold and plat her winrate is barely different from Ana. In diamond and masters it’s a little lower, but it’s not too bad.

Realistically if you listen to winrates the message isn’t “don’t play Mercy”, its “play Brigitte”.


There was a time when there was some troll here going around ridiculing people MAIN HEALERS DON’T EXIST!!! But Mercy is a step towards that line. She lacks the power to actually keep tanks alive through sustained fire similar to how Moira or Ana can. Her healing is still impressive, no doubt, but that’s not the reason you pick her anymore.

Resurrect is insanely powerful utility. In lower ranks, it means nothing because a second life is only as useful as the person who gets it, and chances are they’re not very good. At higher ranks, resurrect becomes invaluable. A top 500 Widow that is resurrected can very easily wipe out an entire team, or a ressed tank in the middle of a fight will swing the game singlehandedly.

The problem is is that now her healing is such a drag, it’s making resurrect harder to justify, especially without a proper healer beside her. She’s a rez bot that can fly.


They buffed her HP/S to 60 because she wasn’t healing enough actually.


She also still massively outheals Ana from my experience.


50hp was not good enough when the damage was much lower during the early days on OW and buffed it to 60hp because of that reason. No way 50hp is gonna be good when Hanzo now has sonic arrow, Junkrat has 2 mines and well we can keep going with this.


She’s still a pretty good healer. She probably just can’t solo heal reliably anymore, but you probably shouldn’t be solo healing anyway in competitive.


So many things in the game can halt Mercy’s healing. Winston is a prime example.


If anyone still believes them after all the “Mercy is completely destroyed” after every single nerf even when she had 98% pickrate then that’s on the believers.


No, they buffed her because she wasn’t bringing enough value by dying constantly since there was no invul frame, they buffed her because she needed to do her job quicker but since they removed a lot of risk by normalizing bunny hop and increased her agility quite a lot 60 hps wasn’t needed anymore


So you’re saying mercy should outheal dps.


Every main healer can outheal a dps damage.

Why she can’t?


What do you mean by “not”?

All I see from that screenshot is that Mercy is still right in the middle of the main healers as far as healing output goes.


no healer can outdps anyone unless they input a constant stream of healing which is particularly impossible


I am not really sure if anyone addressed the reason why; however, rez was more or less instant and relatively safe whereas now you have to set-up. That is less time spent healing. The value of damage boost went up as we started shifting toward more burst damage, so healing is not always the best option as it more or less was at launch. In other words, despite 50 HPS working on a different Mercy, it is less viable currently. Mercy was not a great healer back then. I vastly preferred solo heal Lucio to a Mercy. I did not start to appreciate her until she was able to actually heal well. And yes, Ana and Moira do change that as more people pick them.

Like, you are entitled to your wrong opinion, but maybe you should actually think about the circumstances before typing up something that makes you appear inept.


She cannot outheal a Winston that’s weird for a main healer. If she was an off healer then yeah that would be acceptable.


Seems fair enough consider Winston can completely own Ana at any time.