Done playing until this Role Lock garbage ends

I know of no valid data to back a claim of a majority here


What SHOULD happen is that those bad players downrank.

Doesn’t happen. Not in a game that forces an “even match” each time.

More PBSR is what’s needed. Entire problem with the game.


Or there haven’t been enough games played. Someone who only plays 5 games isn’t going to have an accurate SR.


Bye bye , another one realising he was not good at the game , im so happy we got 2-2-2 and those 10ish games i played was far better then those i had before this patch. And with 2-2-2 lock i can now climb even higher then i was before thanks blizz :blush:


I dont see anything in said forum member’s statement indicating he is not good at the game


I dont see any such thing as obvious.

I stand by what I said


thats in your fantasy world. you see and read want you want to and only that. “witch dont make it a fact”
if you made a voting about this you would lose and you would lose big

Agreed on scrapping the “even” matches.

What tends to happen is that there’s one guy who’s a rock star and one or more players who are clearly out of their depth.

It’s even worse in Beta as players are in off roles where they’re placed far too high.
(Like XQC on support).


If I made a vote on it I bet I would lose right now.

However, if you compared a vote to people clamoring for 2-2-2 before it was implemented versus now people have had a few days to experience it, I bet the stats would drop in favor of 2-2-2 a bit.

Give it 3 months, then 6 months and poll again? I’d like to say the majority would be against 2-2-2, but more likely they will be playing other games and not even care about a poll anymore. :man_shrugging:


for the same reason that people would argue its bad qp was like that.

the ideal for blizzard is for qp to look as close to comp as possible. having qp be different than comp once again is detrimental to their ability to engage new players in the game.

new player: oh hey im 10, i saw esports, i wanna play overwatch like them
*buys and grinds to level 25
*ques for comps after grinding 2-2-2 only qp
*sees 4 dps on his team and has no idea what to do.
new player: wtf this isn’t what i saw on twitch *quits game.

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isnt league a “choose a hero and you cant switch”? nice bait
also, buh-bye, love seeing the toxic players leave and the good ones come back

Blizzard: finally creates a competitive mode that adequately reflects roles, takes the stress out of having to stretch people onto roles they are unfamiliar with, and ends the nonsense of multi-dps comps.

People: still complain.

If you have a problem with role queue, then you can quit playing the game. You obviously belong in a different game, you don’t need Overwatch, Overwatch doesn’t need you, and we as a playerbase who are satisfied with role queue and role lock don’t need you.


Okay so. If they placed DPS the same way you placed your support/tank in that elo, you’re just bad and should learn how to work together.

Well now thats what i WOULD say if the current system wasnt flawed. It misplaces some people drastically in much higher elo. XQC placed like 4.2 on DPS for instance. If they sort out this kinda issue, i think you got no right to complain anymore.

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That’s just a delusion, they invested too much time and efforts to make it happen and also given the PTR feedback and now the live one there is no way it will be removed, it is here to stay. Just like unlimited heroes was a dumb idea, having roles in the game but not enforcing them is dumb as well. If one teammate is under-performing switching from your role will not make the game better also opposed to forums whiners devs have real numbers of those that play the game, so you might as well just leave the game or play arcade. This also will help them a lot to balance the game because now the combinations of heroes and skill level is more restricted.
RQ requires everyone to their job they assigned themselves to, in old comp once you got 3 dps the game would start to break down (as goats in non-pro comp was non-existent). Now if you get crap dps you know that there can be only two of them and you know that neither your tanks or supports will switch to dps just because the game is lost.

This is why there are separate SRs. If someone’s bad at DPS, they’ll be a lower rank. Yes, in the role lock beta, the ranking is broken. This was expected, and it’s the reason they are doing a beta.

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You get better at your chosen role so you can play with better teammates in those “bad positions.”

Also, sometimes the solution to “bad DPS” isn’t necessarily that they can’t aim & need more damage, but maybe they need a shield/bubble to give that extra edge or stronger heals so they can last longer. IME even “bad DPS” shooting everywhere will eventually hit something if they stay alive long enough to do it.

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bye dps mains…we have plenty of other players waiting to fill in for you…bai bai.

If you have two bad people it doesnt matter if you go another dps because you will still have two bad people.


This is exactly how a playerbase kills their own game.


cant have nice things…put in boundaries and the brats will whale…such is life.