AMy play has gotten stolen 3 straight times
1st one - I get a 2 man with death blossom and 2 solo kills, my play is stolen by a Reinhardt that damaged those 4 people and apparently assists are more valuable then elims
2nd one - I kill literally FIVE PEOPLE WITH ONE DEATH BLOSSOM, and an Ashe gets play for killing 2 people with bob
3rd time - me and sombra use our ultimates all at once, I get a triple, and she teleports away, but the play just showed her using EMP and teleporting away, after that you a hear a loud TRIPLE KILL, even though she didn’t even damage them
And I notice whilst writing this that those all happened by people getting assists from my kills
EDIT: I looked over the highlight were I got 5 kills, MY HIGHLIGHT WAS ME STEALING SOMEONE ELSES DOUBLE KILL, WHAAT