Don’t Kill Symmetra

As Symmetra herself would say, kindly adjust.

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I disagree. I think having a Support that isn’t largely a generalist is doomed to fail because of how strong healing is.

I think minimizing her supportive aspects and instead focusing on her as a builder/area denial specialist will do far more good in the long run than trying to keep her as a largely non-interactive support.

Personally I think that the Support category should be renamed “Healers” when Symmetra is moved. Healing is absurdly powerful in Overwatch and in terms of power-budget, doesn’t really consume all that much. It’s not like LoL where the only pure healer (Soraka) has an insane amount of her power in her heal at the expense of everything else, allowing other Supports to be viable, if not better.

Healers have among the strongest utility and ultimates in the game ontop of their baseline healing, and I think it’s extremely hard, if not impossible, to make a non-healing support that’s viable and not just a glorified tank or DPS.

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That is precisely what they did Frantastick.

I know. I agree with OP on that part. Many pros don’t really know how to play Symmetra because her gameplay requires a very different skillset from every other hero in the game.

That’s why I also agree with the criticism that her kit have not many transferable skills to other heroes in the roster. Because it’s true. But it also works on reverse: You can’t use your experience playing Tracer or Reinhardt and expect them to give you a starting point to play Symmetra.

On top of that, because usually pro players have the time and will to improve their aim, there is little reason for them to be interested into training a hero that don’t benefit at all from that aim training.

Symmetra is one of those heroes that have a weird kit, is too different than the rest of the game characters to the point they require a ton of specialized dedication, but once you master that, they are capable of things no other character in the game can do. Think like Voldo in Soul Calibur, Lost Vikings in HotS, or Carl Clover in BlazBlue.

I agree. I disagree that Symmetra is as bad as people paint her, but I agree with the argument in general.

But I also think you should approach changes in basic abilities with a lot of caution. Switching a single ability from any hero is a huge move, and we have seen how cautious the devs have been with all such changes: Photon Barrier, Crossfade aura, Valkyrie, Micro Missiles, Storm Bow, etc.

At no moment in the game they did a full rework of all abilities in a hero. And that’s why a lot of Symmetra players are worried about. Because there is a good chance Sanjay will retain no gameplay features that we enjoy in Symmetra.

Not the point of the thread or your reply in specific, but I also think a lot of people should not ignore such dominance and say those heroes are not overpowered and deserve a nerf.

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As far as I know, she’s the only hero to never be used so far in the OWL. That doesn’t sound fine to me.


… her rework is better. The niche she was originally intended to full is useless.

Why are people fighting a buff?! Sym feels different because sym was unfixable

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No hero has needed as an extensive rework as Symmetra though.

Other heroes had a mostly fine kit with some problem elements, whether it be Lucio’s ability to Support passively, even from long distances, Hanzo’s Scatter Arrows, or the combined issue of Mercy lacking relevance compared to other supports and Mass Res being “unfun” meant that when they were reworked, they maybe got 1-2 abilities changed, and a bit of power redistributed (i.e. Hog became less lethal, more tanky, Lucio overall stronger, but more active, and so on).

Symmetra needs far more ambitious changes than her first rework, which was in the same vein as the other ones. I do understand Symmetra mains concern, this is by far the largest scale rework we’ve seen in Overwatch, but at the end of the day, it’s needed. If not now, then in 6 months, or 12 months, or even further down the track.

Letting Symmetra stagnate at the bottom of the heap for as long as she has isn’t good for the hero and it’s not good for the game.


Not sure how such an erroneous statement can even be made. Sym is a nothing in this game.

She’s not a Tank, DPS, or Sustain. She provides nothing to a team comp that is viable, while she takes up a slot that would improve every single team if she was replaced.

Support means Sustain. Always has, even at Sym Release, she provided more Sustain than she does now.

Sym is being changed, to save the character.

This isn’t a buff or else she’d be in support roster. This is something entirely different.

I hear you and agree that it should be rename as healers than support especially for this game. The thing with Symmetra is that if they let her have a baseline ability that provide shield hp to allies outside of shield generator. That would of helped them out and also the fact it can regenerate during combat at a moderate pace. However Overwatch developers never reached that peak and probably won’t until they put it on a new shield type hero that Symmetra should of been.

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Think like Voldo in Soul Calibur

Voldo sees quite a bit of tournament play though; whereas, Symmetra sees none.

There’s clearly a difference. Pro Symmetras aren’t drafted to OWL teams because she simply is not useful in the top level of organized competitive play.

Because there is a good chance Sanjay will retain no gameplay features that we enjoy in Symmetra.

I highly doubt that. She still has her turrets, her teleporter, her shield, her damage ramp up, and her death balls. Sure they might function differently, but the aim is to improve her overall performance and pick potential not keep her a niche pick where people main her and are reported for trolling even when playing well.

Calling her “Sanjay” is just being dramatic.

Because its not a buff.

A buff would be making her orbs faster, reducing the cooldown on her turrets, giving her ultimates a smaller sound radius to make it harder to detect them by ear, giving her turrets more HP, etc.

Most of the new stuff is not that. Its lateral changes (ie, same overall power, different scope): Sanjay have sturdy turrets that can be placed from afar, but he lost Sym’s broad area coverage. Sanjay have a gun that deal a lot more damage than Sym’s gun, but lost the autolock feature. Sanjay orbs explode on contact, but lost the ability to pierce through multiple enemies.

It’s deleting her whole kit, and creating a new one from scratch. It’s basically removing Symmetra from the game, developing Hero 28 (that we codenamed “Sanjay”), and giving Sanjay all her cosmetic features.

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Because her kit sucks! Oh Jesus stop with the Sanjay s&-t. Christ.


thank god blizzard doesn’t listen to the forums

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You never was exposed to her much with that statement even with the little time played you have on her. There was a reason why she wasn’t picked much and that’s because when you leave a hero in the dirt for too long they become unplayable especially to the point you’ll get reported for it. Symmetra does have synergy with specific heroes, but due to the fact this game prefer dive comps is the reason why they’re making her kit offensive in defense tree than support.

No need to be sarcastic.

Please explain.

I’m ‘exposed to her’ still, on a near daily basis by people who are contrarians and force bad picks because they are ‘trying their best’.

I main Symmetra. We have a flair to the dramatic. :sunglasses:

And honestly, I don’t care if she is being used by pro player or not. All I care is if she is a fun and effective hero to play. And to me, she is. IMO, she might need some QoL stuff here and there, but overall, she is fine.

I’m perfectly ok with her being a niche character.

Good thing it isn’t up to you to balance the hero. I’m glad they’re making sym something other than a liability


How exactly is she a liability when I consistently get 60% and above winrate with her since season 4 (ie, Sym 2.0)?

Change is coming dude. Adapt, flee, or die :man_shrugging:t5: