Don’t Kill Symmetra

Symmetra is fine, just as she was before her first rework. The way I see it, if you can’t play Symmetra you just give up and call her trash. She is so good! Learn how to play her! Leave the hive mind behind and learn a new character. She is easy to pick up but hard to master. Please don’t change Symmetra. I love her how she is & I am not interested in a defense character. She is and always will be support- as support does NOT mean healer.


Symmetra before her first rework was absolutely terrible. You would have 3 turrets with poopy damage before the game started because the cooldown was so long.


Also first version her beam length was 5m.


Sym 1.0 was in deep trouble - it was a true Dark Age. She literally had NOTHING to protect herself with, her turrets were few and took even longer, her support function was paltry, her teleporter died by a breeze in the wind, her range was suicidally close. It was BAD. I mean, there were those of us who could play Sym 1.0, but it was a struggle particularly waiting for those 3 turrets to refill and hope to Jeff Jesus that no one destroys your current ones.

I still stand by that once upon a time, Symmetra 2.0 DID work and WAS effective. But literally every single hero was buffed, reworked, or added in ways that power creeped her into the ground. Taking away her charge on shields and walls hurt her the most. And now she’s back to the Symmetra 1.0 state.


Apparently sub 1% pick rate is “fine”

Blizzard clearly doesn’t like the direction that Symmetra took, saw that their changes didn’t have the result they wanted, and are taking another chance at fixing her.

I think upsetting the dozen or so people who play her is worth the angst.


I could argue the same point about you learning the new sym though.





I understand how symmetra is to be played, I simply do not like playing her. And no, symmetra is not in a good place, as she is incredibly niche, but people still pick her. This change is absolutely warranted.


lmao, no.

Symmetra at launch had:

  • A 5m-long beam
  • Only had her teleporter as an ult, and it had 200 health (no shields)
  • Her turrets had a 12-second cooldown, and she could only hold 3 of them
  • Her E ability gave targets a 25-HP shield that lasted until they died. Virtually useless, was basically a chore. No Photon Barrier at all.

She was easily the worst hero in the game, by far.

Her first rework did a lot of good. Shield Generator is a good ult for when your team already has spawn advantage, and Photon Barrier gave her a lot more options and even plays she could make.

However, she’s still underpicked and underpowered. She continues to never be picked in the Overwatch League. She’s inflexible, passive, and does not suit the fast-paced gameplay of Overwatch.

Her upcoming rework will be Symmetra, but better. Better range, better damage, better area-denial, and active utility. The Symmetra now is basically a DPS that is gimped to be a support. The new Symmetra will allow her to be what she was always supposed to be: A utility-focused damage dealer that controls an area for her team.


Anyone who has put anytime into Sym knows that even after the rework she is suffering. She is outclassed in everything that she does and is easily countered by common sense as well as most of the hero roster.

Though I am sad to see the loss of a non healing support, the rework sounds like something that will allow me to actually help my team without having to work overly hard to overcome an overly weak kit. This change can’t come soon enough.


I think a good portion of Symmetra hate and misconceptions come from that time, actually. Influential people tried her out at launch, didn’t liked her gameplay style, found out she was severely underpowered, and already came to test Sym 2.0 with biased eyes, and never really gave her a chance to show her effectiveness.

Some myths like “She is only good for point A defense” comes from that time, because then, a Teleporter is almost useless for point B defense. When that was her only ultimate, even if the rest of her kit was fine (it wasn’t), you was basically playing with a hero without an ultimate capable of turning the odds in your team’s favor.


In a game of dive, high mobility, and long range DPS.

… Symmetra has none of that.

They didn’t truly experiment on Symmetra as they should of. The whole year of 2017 was dedicated to Mercy believe it or not.


I’d hardly consider reworking her to the point of game breaking, ignoring that fact for half the entire year, then nerfing her again and again until they finally clipped her wings to be “year of Mercy.”

On top of that, 2017 was declared to be Year of the Support.

Mercy’s fine now, boring as hell, Symmetra’s an afterthought that wasn’t breaking the game and only drew ire from the dozen or so people who cared.

And neither do Brigitte, and see people around calling her OP.


Her lock on beam was terrible to have both because it made her too easy and made it impossible to further balance around. The new changes proposed do far sound promising.


Because Brig can contest all of those things and protect her team in the meanwhile. Sym might be able to fight back kind of, but she does next to nothing compared to just picking another hero instead.


She is already dead, a hard resurrect is needed even of its reworking her kit entirely.

You heard it first here folks ,pro players don’t know how to play symmetra.

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This is pretty gross, but its true. Mercy really blew it for 2017…

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