Does this count as an official mercy response?

Cause the last one didn’t mean much in the eyes of many

Good news right?

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It’s over guys, can we all relax now?

Just in case people think the devs are unaware of issues with the character

What’s he saying though ? I don’t understand Jeff’s response

(chuckle)… “I think we’re done”

This was in Korea last week


Thanks ! Haha ‌

Kinda wish he had been asked a more important question though…like:

  • when can we expect torb rework
  • who is hero 29
  • is jet pack cat coming soon

why does he have an umbrella holder…

He’s creating jobs from his profits. Do you want to put the umbrella holder out of work?


They’ve said they were done for the past few nerfs, and yet here we are. Can’t really trust what they say, and that’s not just Jeff saying something when approached by a fan.


Because he’s Jeff ****ing Kaplan Son


Until they saw the pickrates drop.

I was referring to the last time he spoke on the subject…it was in the forums but ask the people on here and they pretty much write it off…so I’m curious if this one counts…i mean it was a direct response to a question about her…so maybe?

This man is amazing.

Probably one of the best human beings in the whole history of humanity.

Ah, the response.

I thought this was talking about how many Mercy posters thought this nerf wouldn’t really do anything.

Then two weeks later are trying to say she’s a throw pick.

At least this one is good news right?

Yeah probably.

Now the devs can fix other heroes:
Stuff grey is thinking about

Reffering to January’s nerf my dude, they said they were “done” with her then too yet here we are looking at the sixth nerf set not counting that lovely little “bug” fix

It’s almost like her pickrate changed dramatically between February and July.

So that nerf was sledgehammer and didn’t work yet it got people up in arms about an unfun hero
Can you confirm this nerf won’t be circumvented just like tht last ones once the tank players and Mercy players adapt to the lower healing?