Does this count as an official mercy response?

Nope, but I think the issue with previous nerfs was that any resurrect was better than no resurrect, and Mercy had extremely high healing and survival.

This time around, Mercy actually has tradeoffs relative to other healers.

I plan to listen to the audio in the video clip tomorrow, but from what I understand Jeff said “I think we’re done” ?

If so then I’m wondering if he could also mean “I’m busy right now and can’t talk”. That is something someone can often say to conclude a conversation/discussion.

Regardless it’s still not a direct response, it’s an indirect response. A type of response similar to the few replies he made on here about Mercy which weren’t directly posted in the megathread initially.

Absolute madman

So ignoring the fact that this nerf required the nerfing of half of what blizz wants Mercy to be known for so they could make room in her power budget for an ability that spits in the face of the other half

Ignoring that failure

You cannot confirm these nerfs will work.
Thus This off hand comment cannot be taken as an official statement. It was made in an off the cuff manner long before stats came in

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Sure if a conversation had taken place…not sure that applies here…I think he legitimately answered a question that he was posed…perhaps insincerely…but it was a direct response to a question…and a good one if you’re in the mercy camp no?

Question is can we take this one at its literal value…cause apparantly it doesn’t apply to the one we saw on here back in Jan/feb

I can’t predict the future, but I think they are done.

I heard ‘(chuckle) You think we’re done?’

Like some evil anime boss rising out of rubble and destruction.

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Lol…you fiend…it’s Jeff…not Mei

So neither of us can confirm.

In this thread I am literally jus saying no this is not official, as Jeff dosen’t even know if they are done yet because if people do circumvent these nerfs and rez meta remains they will change her.
I like to hope it’ll be a rework but knowing them it’ll just be that GA change lazy as always.

Overbuff data needs to show more of the timeline than 6 months. It’s very deceptive and doesn’t show the whole story of the character when it only covers 6 months.

Almost on the same level of the people claiming “She’s balanced now” about 6 nerfs ago… just to come back 3 days later to claim she is OP again isn’t it?

I take it as a hint that they already said what they need to say on the topic, and that statement still stands. Can you imagine what developers must think about this whole situation? I mean the opinion that they would never release to the public.

The levels of entitlement that people show when they demand a response just because they fixed a thread to receive so many likes is truly astounding. But hey, that’s just my opinion.

Some people will go to great lengths to achieve nothing.

I wonder that myself quite often actually :confused:

My concern, as well as a lot of Mercy players, is not about nerfs. My concern is what is left with the shell of the hero that made me love this game. She might be balanced, but she is dull to play. I don’t want Mercy to be OP or a must pick, but I also want to be able to play my favorite hero and feel like I’m actually contributing something.

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