Does Play of the Game feel broken to you?

Very rarely do I actually see any cool POG’s anymore. So many times have I gotten play of the game and it’s like 15 seconds before or after I did something really cool, but instead it just shows like 90% of me running around not doing anything special. Then today I got a triple boop on Illios that won us the game but isntead of me getting the POG it was just Winston holding down left click on the people that I booped off lol. Anyone else feel like POG camera is a little bit busted?


Yep! I’m not sure exactly how POTG is chosen. But it seems often like the person who deserved POTG, gets POTG, but it’s of the moments before or after the POTG actually happened (I hope that makes sense lol) , or sometimes just a random point in the game.
Really weird. Get a 4k but then it shows a point in the game where you get 1 kill and nothing else


It becomes more often that the POTG’s are healing Moiras.

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Just wait a bit, they are working on potg 2.0

POTG wasn’t that good when released, more of a gimmick then. Now it’s something you skip over easily because 9 out of 10 times it’s some DPS pressing Q and killing X on point or something.

Makes me wonder why healers have highlight animations at all.


Don’t you know PotG stand for Play of the Genji? You can get a team kill with deathblossom yet nano genji will get PotG by killing 2 ennemies…


It has always been broken.


It is broken. I mean, it’s a minor thing so I don’t think the devs should waste time tweaking it, but it is most definitely broken.

Hm, it seems I never stick around long enough to watch one… ^^;

every moira potg:
Presses Q

the system works!

I feel like there’s always way more impressive “behind the scenes” plays rather then just multi kills. I immediately click off POTG if it’s just another Rein Q, Nanoblade or Hanzo pressing Q at a grav.

I mean one game our Ana slept a reaper right as he Ulted, saving all our lives, and then pumped out huge heals and nanoed our Rein, yet Dva throwing her bomb and killing 3 people was more “clutch”

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Like every day? I place like 5 one-shots with Hanzo, but POTG would be a nano Genji.

I don’t even watch it anymore and go straight to the main menu, because it’s usually the same heroes who gets it.

It’s a fun and good idea, but the lack of proper adjustments to an already biased broken feauture makes me wish we didn’t had it at all.

POTG has always been busted. It’s a fun little feature but it’s not to be taken seriously.

I disagree though, play of the game was one of the coolest parts of Overwatch to me when I first started. Devs should always focus on the fun aspect of the game first if they want to reduce toxicity and just have a better community overall

I mean, it’s not game breaking to have POTG be trash, though. So while I’d prefer it to work as intended, I understand that it’s just not a priority.

I wouldn’t call it broken. All in all, it’s just a very unnecessary feature which promotes going in solo to get that few seconds of ego boost that anyone else playing cares about.

I get POTG quite often, mainly its all about damage per second * kills.

Also performing some actions also benefits, as killing high noon, tank bastion, nano genji etc

PotG is a short video at the end of each match which is usually not very impressive and most people leave by the time it comes up. Why do people care about it so much?

It determines it by the largest amount of fire gain in the shortest amount of time by a single player, say I just got 6 elims but I only did 40 fire worth of damage to each, so I only got 240 fire, but my ally got 5 elims but he got 60 fire worth of damage on each so 300 fire gain, evin though I just got a 6 kill my ally will get the play for the 5 kill, it also puts priority on fire gain in short times which is why boops can get potg so easily because the people die at nearly the same time, this also explains why the winston got it because he did the largest majority of the damage even though lucio got the kill confirmations which the potg doesnt care about