Does overwatch need to be 6 vs 6?

Too bad they didn’t do a study about what happens when one of those players leaves the match or is a troll.

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The developers have mentioned in the past that the game was optimized for 6v6 for a couple of reasons. First, it is less taxing on machines with fewer characters and effects on the screen. They worried that if more characters were added to teams that the game would be very intensive for lower spec computers.
Second, the team said that having 6 people just felt right as they were play testing early versions of the game.

I do think that adding one more player to each team and creating a 7v7 for OW might be a great way to lower queue times as a whole as comps could be 2/3/2. I also think that this would make it much easier to tone down all of the roles without direct nerfs. It would be awesome if they tested 2/3/2. OW 2 would be the perfect chance to switch this over if they have any plans to adjust team size.

To answer your question though, no the game doesn’t necessarily have to be 6v6. That was just the number that the developers felt was best in the early stages of the game. They then optimized the game to run with that number in mind.

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thank you that honestly does make a lot of sense, i kinda forgot you have to worry about lower spec pc’s since i only really play console

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