i mean i am not expecting a 50 vs 50 because that would be terrible but is there an actual reason why it needs to be 6 vs 6?
Cuz it’s fun isn’t it?
I’m not having any fun.
2-2-2, that’s why
I feel like 5 v 5 would be good because the less people the less dependent your on your team and there’s less room for error
An odd number always feels much more dynamic to me, don’t know why, but 7v7 (232) is what pleases me the most. And makes much more sense if you consider the number of characters per role…
When this game started Lizzard did studies on players per team. It was found six was the best for team play. Individual can’t carry too much or feel like their contribution too little.
More people equals more room for error and you have to depend EVEN MORE on your team for everything I feel like less players would be ok since there’s less room for error
thank you i honestly was always interested in how they decided on 6 vs 6, i do wonder if it always needs to be that though
the problem with less than 6 is one class is always going to have maximum only 1 hero. and that feels very stale not to mention unbalanced cuz this game is all about that synergy… I mean, sure would be easier to carry and less team reliant but that’s the whole essence of this game so i don’t imagine them doing it
I would love 2-3-2, but Devs have said an additional hero each would have seriously negative affects on performance on current gen systems.
I would imagine a larger mode will appear at some point as a bigger upgrade (like how PvE is coming for OW2)
This was said a while ago so I hope the OW2 engine improvements are make it work.
We have deathmatch and whatnot with 15ish players… I mean, that is a whole different game but inst that far… specially if they do improve performance with OW2’s new engine.
Considering OW is on switch, and even with OW2 almost certainly dropping after next gen consoles release, the fact that OW and OW2 are integrated multiplayer means the odds are we’ll never get 7v7 as base play.
You know, some chaotic 4-teams of something could be a fun arcade mode. CTF in a cross map with all teams being six players? Oh the chaos. I mean, something like that existed in Battletanx, but that’s a way different game.
It’s a hardware and system constraints issue. They would need to run a series of development cycles to prepare something larger.
Iirc, there was a bunch of experimentation of 5v5 by people like Sideshow back when Seagull suggested it. The results were not favorable.
what were the results and when was this?
The problem there is that some role ends up with one player in it, which is a problem.
Tank or support, you end up completely eliminating the off tank/off support roles, which people really like. It also puts too much pressure on the remaining player.
DPS, you end up putting WAY too much pressure on the remaining DPS.