Does Mercy really need nerfs, or do the other healers need to be viable?

All these comments cropped up as soon as Ana and Moira received changes, but apparently it’s all Mercy’s fault.

Apparently, the fact that there’s only one other healer that can somewhat compete alongside Mercy with the current meta, or the fact that there’s only six healers in the game, or the fact that she’s literally the only dedicated healer mean nothing.

Zen and Mercy are the only healers that help allies gain ultimate faster. They’re the only ones that can heal through barriers. These are two important factors in the current meta (is Grav & Dragons still a thing?)

The lack of viability from other healers caused her to skyrocket, because why pick healers that suck right now when you can have one that doesn’t suck?

Tell me - if you nerfed Mercy, how would that help other healers become better? How would they rise up again? How would Ana become better with all the shields right now, how would Lucio beat all his counters?

Around February when she received the Valkyrie nerf, everyone crawled out of the wood and said “Yes, she’s balanced!” “Stop complaining, she’s in a fine spot.” etc. Her kit has not changed a SINGLE bit since those nerfs. How come she’s suddenly broken and unbalanced?

Her balance is fine. Her viability is not, and a lot of that can be credited to the fall of other healers. I asked before, and I’ll ask again - what would nerfing her accomplish in the bigger scheme of things? How would it help the other heroes? I’d like to know.

Mercy needs another rehaul - though, there’s other heroes that need help first.

(Apologies if this doesn’t make sense or becomes contradictory - I struggle keeping up when I write lots of text.)


mercy needs rez nerfs its on a short cool down for what it does.


You replied so fast I doubt you read my post. Try again.


Finally happy to hear my opinion put into words by someone else,
thank you.


I’m a speed reader I read it every word

is that why your reply makes no sense with what the OP has written and questioned community about?


Alright, tell me: how would a rez nerf make the other healers viable like I discussed? How would it help Ana and Moira’s barrier heal limitations, or Lucio against his counters?


I just don’t agree with him on mercy being balanced

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Nerf Mercy.



I asked this: How would it help the other healers? Mercy gets nerfed, they’d all struggle. Then Zen would be top dog.


to answer it would give players less reason to pick her. It could put her power more in line with the other supports.

mercy is so useful that even if other healer be buffed. they will just be picked as secondary healers

she needs nerfs. specifically. to her Rez. it needs a higher cooldown.

other nerfs. making her hitbox bigger. or dropping her health 150. shes too hard to hit during guardian angel


Her pistol could also use nerfs I think its about as strong as baby dva’s

I would nerf her just so more people make threads about her and i get to write

Nerf Mercy.


More often.



Just as much as the whole cryin extravaganza i see on the forums.

M…my brain hurts


If that happened, I wouldn’t play other healers, I would stop healing altogether. Because Mercy’s output level is that the level needed for the damage creep that has been part of this game for a while now.


Yep. What kind of Mercy runs around going pew pew??

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I do because team mates dont do a good job protecting me sometimes you just have to save yourself.