Does Mercy really need nerfs, or do the other healers need to be viable?

Right now people are complaining about Mercy’s ability to heal through barriers. The only thing nerfing that would accomplish is bring the support powercurve down.

Nerfing Rez at most would make Lúcio’s speed boost more valuable. But that’s about it.

No amount of Mercy nerfs will make Ana viable, though.


Exactly. And I as much as anyone want other healers to be viable - I miss playing Lucio.

I’m afraid no amount of Ana buffs will make her viable lol. She’s just in such a weird spot and has a weird design where you can’t buff her or give her something without making her SO broken or even worse than she was before…

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I personally think she needs a rework but not a nerf. Nerfing Mercy doesn’t fix the other healers problems.


Yep. She needs a rehaul, but other heroes need work first (Sombra, Torb, Bastion.)


I would like to point out, Mercy didn’t make these other healers fall out of meta, Blizzard nerfed them hard out of the meta.


Ana isn’t bad as you make her out to be. She can heal allies safely. Unlike mercy who has to be in the thick of things.

She’s a sniper so how you position yourself is important.

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Mercy’s current kit will always be meta unless you nerf her into an effectively unplayable state. As long as the devs don’t address the core issue (Rez as an ability), she’ll end up like Ana. Eventually, it won’t be worth picking a bad hero for an OP effect and she’ll fall into obscurity.


It depends. If they are going to go with the philosophy that Geoff laid out for Ana where they want heroes to have strengths and weaknesses, they very clearly need to nerf Mercy as she currently has no weaknesses that make her a bad pick in any situation. If however they are going by Mercy as the gold standard and they want other heroes to be useful in all situations than Ana needs increased mobility and self sustain.


This is actually a really good take.

Mercy,Brigitte and Hanzo needs to be nerfed to make other healers viable.

Like I asked in the topic post - how would nerfs help them become viable? Ana and Lucio struggle right now, so what would change? I’m curious.


There is so much damage creep than there is 2 viable dps now due to the op ness of heal.

There is no damage creep except with Hanzo

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i gave you an answer to that exact question you should read it.

I don’t think Mercy needs any nerfs. As long as she is the most reliable healer she will be highly picked. It’s not a Mercy is OP problem it’s a support cast problem. There are few options and none of the other healers can compete with her spot. Ana is too difficult for most people to play effectively, Moira has the resource meter and is about to take a hit to her ability to heal through barriers, and Zen, Lucio, and Brigitte don’t heal enough to keep tanks up.


I wasn’t asking you. I saw your answer, I want other people’s answers.

Rez is what makes Mercy so good (alongside the gravstrike dmg boost)
Just get rid of rez buff Valkyrie to compensate , maybe nerf a little mercy healing output and you will see more Ana and Moira.
Lucio is relative to Zen lvl with Zen and Brigitte still so good Lucio has no place in the meta and this is not related to Mercy

The problem is also that mercy is must pick everywhere in everycomp no matter what.

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Except the only way to make Mercy picked less is to make her bad enough that the other healers don’t seem as bad. Rez is fine the way it is. The 30 second cooldown that activates whether or not she gets it off, stuns and boops canceling the casting, and the slow plus cast time making her easier to target add plenty of counter play to it. It’s not like during team fights your allies die in perfectly safe convenient rezing spots. She’s not a must pick because she’s OP like she was when her rework first went live pre-the many nerfs. The support cast is small and there are only a handful of options when it comes to picking a healer with enough healing output to keep a team alive. It’s not like when an offense hero is a must pick because they have many more heroes competing for their spot.


This is literally what I said… thank you…

Her viability is her issue.

If you wanted to make other healers viable you could make it so assists give you some ult charge. It would also help heroes like Sombra, Mei and McCree who are all in need of some love

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