Does Mercy need more hps?

Imagine calling Mercy OP in 2019


The reason mercy became OP was the moth rework, not the 60hps she has had since ana came out and was still considered a garbage healer in comparison.

60hps had nothing to do with OP moth mercy.


A lack of burst and aoe is her weakness. It’s just like how Ana and Zen aren’t very mobile but have great utility and burst healing (Ana only).

A GM Mercy I watch named Niandra plays cautiously and is careful not to abandon her team (to say pocket Pharah or something) to avoid having them get too low for her to quickly heal up as a way to play around this.

Still, tanks are very hard for her to heal consistently and I feel 55 hps would be a decent comprimise.

Good one… i’m also Scottish, not American.


Really depends on the Ana. A good Ana will outshine Mercy, but it also depends on team comp and how hard the enemy team focuses you as well as how good the positioning is of your team.

Mercy is harder to kill but she hardly has the capability to keep any tank alive (except perhaps Roadhog with his self heal), it’s why she’s ran with dps heavy comps.

Ana is easier to dive, though she can keep the tanks up considerably more than Mercy.

It just seems Ana isn’t as good because she can’t heal through shields and if her aim is mediocre she won’t be able to keep dps up. I really think it’s all situational, but if you do have two tanks you’re probably better off running Ana and Zen since both make up for each others weaknesses.

Mercy isn’t bad with Ana, but you have no defensive ult with that combo so it’s easy to get destroyed by well combined ults.

This is why people are finding it hard to decide when Mercy should be played, because she has average hps and her ult won’t “counter” any other ults, so I see it used more for diving snipers and engaging your team to fight.

It also comes down to how well your dps are. Mercy does well at empowering her dps, but if they can’t hit the broadside of a barn or have terrible game sense, it’s absolutely pointless to play her.

The only reason I still play Mercy is because I like her play style, I love being able to fly around and have the enemy team chase me. I don’t pick Mercy for her healing or dmg boost for that matter (probably because the dps I play with are pretty pitiful).

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not really, she could use a skill that allows her to temporarily increase her hps like a mini valk but that’s pretty much it

I made a workshop version of this, if you wanna check it out the code is: YSMAR

Thread over on the workshop forum: Mercy 4.0! By Hige

Because when it was at 60 she became the goto support. People were playing her in preference to other supports. Rather than bring other supports up they brought her down.

I guess the intent was to keep debuffing her until she was no longer the number 1 support. Now we’re in the window where they watch her status over time so as to make she’s definitely no longer an apex support hero.

Where she goes from there no one but the DEVs know. I figure she’s going to stay like this for at least a year. If after that (despite any complaints) if she truly is bad they might look into her case.

In short unless there’s an actual clamor I wouldn’t expect anything at all for Mercy for a good long while yet.

55 hps or a an equivalent buff to Valkyrie should be about right. I just don’t expect to see it.

She was outhealing Ana/Moira/Lucio and there wasn’t a reason to pick anything beside Mercy.

Ana is easy to kill and she has 0 mobility and needs perfect position and good aim in order to be better than Mercy.

Plus etc made Ana useless at close range and Moira gets her orb eat every single time.


She still outheals Ana and Lucio too

60 hps would just let her outheal Moira too and hasn’t she suffered enough


To be fair, I recall devs themselves saying they wanted Mercy to heal the most over the course of the game… so if she isn’t she’s not fulfilling their vision of her.

But like I’ve said before, whatever change they do keep it to PC. She doesn’t need as much healing on console where damage is more unreliable.

Mercy doesn’t reload
Doesn’t need to aim
Doesn’t need to check up a resource bar
Doesn’t need to manage CDs (Orb has CD , Grenade has CD, Amp it has CD, Brigitte repair pack has CD)
Healing beam doesn’t have a counter play besides 1) Mercy out of range or Ana Grenade (Which screws up all the healing in the game so isn’t directly to Mercy only)

The most reliable healing source in the game comes from Mercy,


I mean, given how Lucio literally just has to exist to heal, I don’t think throwing him into the ring is a strong argument. Plus he’s not a main healer either.

I just don’t see the logic behind saying “Oh she’s outhealing so and so if she gets her 60 HPS back.” Well then BUFF the supports that have been struggling to make them better instead of trying to bring Mercy down to their level. Why did she have to suffer a nerf? You absolutely cannot tell me that anyone saying she was overpowered because of her healing that has been a constant thing ever since it was buffed ( because, who would’ve thought, she couldn’t keep up with Ana ) for YEARS is actually serious. It’s either delusional or extremely biased. The literal only thing that did NOT change. I call BS. It’s literally a weak argument and a nonsense justification for her nerf.


Yes? I’m just pointing out what devs themselves said. It’s usually gospel here so I assumed it counted for something.

I am looking at when she first got 60hps Still a C tier support and Ana was still spawning meta after meta like beyblade, immortal bastion and triple tank

I don’t think she needs it but I wouldn’t be opposed to a slight increase.

Is it really that low? As someone who has garbage aim I think I avg about 55% accuracy on Ana.

I was going to counter with “well, noobs like I bring it down” but my average on Overbuff is 54%? Wut?

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Yup. It is. Which is why she struggles on console. She’s just weak due to the control scheme.

You would think that with all the different aim assist settings it wouldn’t be as low.

So she’s only viable option in tripple and quad DPS comps, right? (which are about to no longer exist due to 2/2/2 lock)

There are usually 2 tanks in a team and if mercy is considered a “main healer” she’s supposed to heal tanks effectively, since it’s not an off healer thing to heal tanks.

And if Mercy needs another main healer to heal tanks doesn’t that mean something is wrong? Ana/Moira/Bap can be played with an off-healer without being scared about ‘not enough healing’