Does Mercy need more hps?

Like the title says, do you think that Mercy needs more HPS for her base healing (forget about valk for a sec). I personally think Mercy’s heals should be increased to 55hps because trying to heal tanks without another main healer feels impossible. Plus a lot of people don’t even consider her a main healer now because of how low her heals are.


55 is alright for constant heals. It can make it easier for heal to help teammates faster making it a QoL change. Also, it would be cool to have an overheal effect similar to Medic from TF2.


Not sure why her hps where ever nerfed honestly


The last thing this game needs right now is a buff to any form of sustain. We need some hard nerfs first and a lot of them.

Once the dust settles we can then look into what supports need some help.


She was extremely OP with 60 hps. She’s found a solid place as a DPS enabler and sees plenty of play there at 50 hps.
Why even risk moving her in the direction of being OP when she’s fine as is?


She doesn’t.

She has the best mobility of all healers,
She has the most consistent healing, range and aim included
She has the absolutely incredible ability to erase a teammate’s fatal mistake, or the enemy team’s amazing play.

She doesn’t “need” anything. She shouldn’t even WANT anything for that matter. She is still never a bad pick, which is more than can be said for most of the healers, and most of the cast in general.


She’s fine, no changes needed.


I think mercy should heal like % of hp pool. If 50 hps for 200hp target is 25% per second, so tank with 500hp should be healed with amount of near 125 hps, but it starts like 50hps, then 75 hps, then 100, then 125, increasing overtime like every 2 seconds, before target takes damage. If healed target got damaged healing rate decreases to 50 hps again and stabilize this way (punishment for feed and anti facerol) mb numbers are too high, but you still got the idea. Mb max amount of healing overtime for tanks should be like 75-90 hps range idk. But i hope mercy will rise again as a good main healer, but I like her as dps sustainer anyway.

Considering how much stronger and better Ana is compared to every other support, yes. There is no reason to not let Mercy go back to 60 hps. Her current 50 is pitiful.


Burst Healing is much better atm. Buffing her base healing from 50 to 54 per second would be fine.

NOBODY ever complained about Mercy’s healing.

She had 60 HPS for long before her rework, and people only ran her for Mass Rez (and pros to pocket a Pharah).

In fact, Mercy’s healing was increased to 60 HPS precisely because Ana was so strong and damage dealt so high that 50 HPS made her irrelevant.

After the rework, people complained about instant rez, multiple rezzes, speed of Valk, regen speed during Valk, the free flight, pistol firing rate… everything EXCEPT her healing.

So don’t make stuff up about her being “OP” with 60 HPS.


Overheal would feed ult charge though. There’s a reason why Brigitte shouldn’t toss 75 armor 100% of the time.

Didn’t they say she got a healing nerf because the gap between her and Ana was too big?? Funny cause even with 50 I believe on average Mercy still gets more healing done than Ana.

They were bored and just wanted to nerf her some more. It was highly unnecessary.


Her healing numbers are about inline with Ana’s. However, she is severely lacking in the damage department compared to other supports. It’s hard to tell if Damage Boost is making up for this lack of damage. Every single support surpasses her in terms of healing and damage combined by a rather large margin. I’m not sure if buffing her HPS is the right call though.




Mercy needs a stronger melee attack when using her staff. :wink:


Mercy isn’t a tank healer. If you want tanks healed, that’s Ana’s and Moira’s job, Mercy merely tops them off when she has a chance, or helps heal in critical conditions.


To op: no, Mercys rate of healing is fine as it is


mercy’s 60 hps was huge because she completely negated winston’s dps

On PC, Mercy is the #2 main healer effectiveness wise pretty much across the board.

On Console, Mercy is the #2 main healer effectiveness wise at the bottom and #1 at the top.

That doesn’t really leave much room.

You might be able to get +2/+3 hp without setting the world on fire but, I’d be hesitant about pushing even that to consoles. If you axe some other part you’d have more room.

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