Does league of legends ranked have anything you'd like to see in overwatch?

a lot of people complain about ranked, but no solutions are offered

I’m just wondering if there are other games, that are similar to Overwatch, that have really cool QoL features concerning the ranked aspect of those games.

I have a couple of ideas, but I’d like to hear yours.



The problem with the ranking system is this: someone who purchases this game, regardless of how much they play FPS, needs to be able to feel like they can progress.

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does any other game do this well?

A ban system.
I wish overwatch allowed players to ban heroes so we can have multiple metas at the same time.

Plenty of solutions proposed if you go back and read the threads. Maybe less post count and more read count.

Off the top, some combination of:

  • New matchmaking algorithm that jetisons the nostalgia of MSTrueSkill/ELO, since those systems are outdated, and not robust to noise/corruption (smurfs, teams, sabotage), and not great for team fps/cd.
  • Hard-Reset to the bottom, and force ranking from the bottom up.
  • Soft or Hard Reset each season.
  • Placements that actually matter/warpzone but robust against leavers/throwers.
  • Use a kind of mixture-sort/sieve algorithm that bins people reasonably close, FAST (i.e. < 20 matches starting with no data).
  • Publish and go open with the matchmaking/ranking algorithms so people can audit, critique and improve.
  • Show the hidden mmr as well as sr of players.
  • Better performance based scoring - additional weighting factors, redesigned for clutch-ness and actual impact not padded stats.

Some combination of those would be improvements to the current ladder system that has enough players. If there aren’t enough players, you may as well not have a ladder.


I never played LOL, but I dont hear poeple complain about quing picking proccess.

  1. they have REAL SECONDARY ROLE Q,
    where if you dont get main role, you will get it next game.
    So for us it would create 1 game of tank = 1 game of dps

  2. More heroes to choose from

  3. The heroes are more similiar so less hard locked holy 3 trinity.
    However OW is better and designed around hard teamplay and hybrid metas feels horrible

so i went to the riot lol forums. searched matchmaker. refined the search to the past month


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so i removed all the links to make it work but as you can see, they complain as much as we do lol


Pretty sure, at least with whatever there is now, people can either complain about their teammates with a 50% W/L ratio, or people put in lots of time, practice, and absolutely crush other players like they did at the start of WoW or the way how PvP games used to be made.

Considering the size of the LoL playerbase that doesn’t seem like much complaining.

Dont worry. Overwatch 2 will be just like that. A progression for casual players.


A huge surprise… No wait it wasnt. This kind of crying goes to all team based games. The first game Ive ever heard about the “elo hell” was actually League of Legends much longer before OW was even announced. I wasnt too good, at max gold in LoL. Playing it casually now and then might have been the problem and later after years of break I ended up in bronze/silver. Did I cry on forums how bad the game is and how real elo hell is? Yeah nope. Im not an imbecile.


So you don’t want smurfs and sabotage, but you want sr resets so that golds and silvers have to play with diamonds up to gm at the beginning of every season? (Overwatch seasons are 10x shorter than league seasons)

Matter how? They literally award you points and put you on a skill bracket for you to play with people of your elo. What else do you want?

also leavers get penalized in overwatch, just leaving 1game bans you from comp for 10 mins. 2nd leave bans you for a day, 3 more and you’re banned for a week if not season.

No algorithm on this planet is going to be able to know if you used, for example: spirit dragon to zone out an area for your tanks to push or accidentaly missed enemies. Flanked to bait ult or get kills. Cuz algorithms can’t read people’s minds.
There was a reason diamond rank and above didn’t have performance based sr.

This game is about objective percentages, timebanks and point capture. Not kills per second.

If you decide to dragonblade just to bait out traq and not get kills, so your Zarya can grav successfully after - How in the world is an algorithm gonna know that/track that?


The only thing I can think of is this:

I want to play with and against people of my level, people that have the same skill as me.

I’m so tired of smurfs, boosters and trolls. The fact that the report system is a failure (and seriously, I made a thread about this last season, I tried to get banned for the entire season and I have not even receive a single warning. It takes like 1500 reports to trigger something, at this point players are free to do whatever they want without fear of consequences)

Boosters/Aimbots. You can report them, but I feel like they just keep coming. IP bans maybe or hire more people to detect the cheaters. Make a place where players can review replays of specific games so they can judge if someone is cheating or not.

Smurfs. Like seriously, even on youtube people post video of them doing it. Let’s watch some ‘‘educative’’ video where I get 95% kill participation in a game and I destroy everyone.

I do not mean to stomp in here like some loud man but this is not true. I believe Overwatch dev team are excuse maker, hiders from the truth. They sit at tables and say “there are no solution” when there are easy solution but they do not want to lose money.

  1. There must be one account per person allowed into competitive. This is not negotiable. The side effect of having so many account in competitive is disaster. The negatives sides of having multiple account in rank is so far reaching you cannot even imagine, only I can see it and maybe 1 or 2 other.

  2. Player should not be force to play maps they do not want to play. I am knowing the real reason maps are force and I will not discuss it because it will make you feral. However, players being forced to play these rancid maps is toxic. Why make us not enjoy our-self for 20 minutes? It is stinky.

  3. To encourage player comp diversity there should be hero bans that are random selected. Some example would be that on Luna Colony a random hero from each category is ban for each team so that not a person can use : DVA, Sombra, Brig (each map 3 hero ban is chosen at random from matchmaker). People will say they do not like this idea but they do not know what they like, I know what they like and I am correct.

My ideas are very good and should be implemented and it is final. Also, everyone know that the matchmaker is so bad and needs to be spit out but that is in another topic.


Do you have any better ideas than: If brothers use the same pc to play video games, they have to send their ID’s to blizzard beforehand so Blizzrad knows it’s 2 people on the same PC and not 1 with 2 accounts?

How do you even acomplish that without binding a battle net account to certian PC. What if I buy a new PC then? Do I have to re-register? buy a new account? How would that even work?
No dude, You can’t stop it. In fact, the only reason the game isn’t free to play is that.

Yeah, only in a universe where battle net accounts are bound to peoples blood and we log in with our blood samples would that work


they could do it with SMS protection. You need SMS to play on the ladder. It won’t solve everything, but it will be better imo.

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Interesting suggestion


rocketleague does this very well IMO. i started that game in silver and slowly but steadily climbed to diamond tier 2 100% solo queuing in 2s, 3s, and 3s solo.

I suggested this long time ago, but like you said it wont solve everything. More like almost nothing. Its better than nothing but you can buy a prepaid for like 5€. They have SMS protection needed to get to the t500 leader board, yet there is still plenty people with multiple accounts. Getting 2nd 3rd 4th and so on phone number is not hard. But I cant really come up with better things. Its insanely hard to restrict smurfs without being unreasonable like you have to hire a personal bodyguard who watches you play from blizzard to ensure only you play on that account.

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You can get free phone numbers with forwarding through Google Voice. It’s basically as much of an obstacle as a unique email address.

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