Does Illari have a personality?

Since I don’t buy battlepasses, I haven’t been able to unlock and play her much yet, so maybe there is some substance in her voicelines that I haven’t seen yet…

Her introduction short is completely useless. It’s more like a pitch for a trite childrens’ movie, in which a Chosen One becomes Extra Chosen at the cost of a tragic backstory, but it doesn’t actually tell me anything about what kind of person she is or why I should be interested in her… which is an odd choice considering that the entire point of the short is to introduce the hero.

Is there really just that little to say about her?

Also, if her main (possibly only) trait is that she’s unexpectedly powerful even among a group of elite heroes… isn’t that going to cause identity problems down the line when the balancing team has to bring her line with checks notes a computer nerd, a DJ, and an old man with a hammer?


She’s free to try in the arcade. I don’t really listen to voicelines or follow the lore, so can’t really say. The few clips I’ve seen lead me to think she’s more like Reaper and Hanzo: serious, edgy, and a little emo/sad.

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She has one… sort of. It’s not very strong, though. I’ve said on other threads that she sounds like someone who doesn’t really want to talk to you, but not because she’s busy - just because she’s grumpy. She needs to go hug a vicuña or somethin’.


She’s really,really,really depressed, doesn’t have a single positive voiceline.


If she had actual depression, her interactions would be more like this:

Soldier 76: “Stay close to me, and you might just make it back alive.”
Illari: “Guess I know who to avoid!” *laughs while smiling
Soldier 76: “…”
Illari: “I-it’s a joke! I’m fiiine! How’s everyone’s day?”


“i killed my whole family, ill throw you under a bridge”


Her personality is hitscan dps mamacita. I mean support

She has as much personality as sojourn.


Sojourn has a lot of personality. It’s name is Murphy. Dog is a personality trait.


Thanks for the vid. It sounds like they’ve really outdone themselves, making her as inconsistent as Kiriko but as bland as Sojourn.


Everyone loves to say Soj and now Illari don’t have personality but when Soldier and Hanzo and Reaper and Doom have the same bland steely soldier personality it’s crickets :zipper_mouth_face:



Like I can get saying Soldier has a bland personality, and a lot of people have pointed out that he does, but Reaper?


I mean, the problem with Sojourn’s impression comparatively was that these guys had a lot more interesting/emotional relationships and interactions with other character to bounce off of. Not to mention, the writing is constantly making fun of Solider and Reaper. Sojourn’s character didn’t really come through or feel complete until this season, honestly, they’d have been better off waiting on releasing her til now.

Illari is suffering from a similar problem since she’s withdrawn and has so few interactions but actually seems like the beginnings of a decently different character type to me personally.


I mean…

I still haven’t watched that short yet, but if I accidentally killed everyone I knew with a power I couldn’t control I’d not want to contact anyone else just out of fear of hurting anymore people.

That’s also kinda why I play [insert game title here] alone.



All I know is “Fargeevnes es Arned”.


You take off the edgy voice filter from Reaper’s voicelines and he is just as bland as Soldier to me :person_shrugging:

they’re both just gruff soldier vets with their feathers ruffled 24/7 each doing the same thing but on opposite sides of the conflict


Fair point, but that actually was the plan with Sojourn. Jeff said when OW2 was announced that they were holding Sojourn until PvE because she was such a big part of the first mission (Toronto) that they wanted to save her for it. But obviously they didn’t wanna hold her for that long after OW2 got changed

She does have a personality, but I think they need to dive deeper into her lore, because right now her short seems rather cold.

She supposedly wiped out a ton of her people that powered her up as some “last hope” then she talks about how it doesn’t matter now that those people sacrificed themselves for her. Which makes her come across not very likeable.

Hopefully they expand soon on her, because at the moment it’s a bit meh. Although aesthetically and her in-game gameplay is spot on.

Why has she decided that it doesn’t matter those people sacrificed themselves/she killed them. I’d of thought that was a pretty major thing to point out.

Yeah, true. I think they would’ve done better by her if they’d stuck to that plan though and moved just up another hero’s release in her place.

Df is possibly the most suave hero in the game what are you smoking to put him in with bland flour soj, pass me some.