Does Genji need help?

No they do not. I could probably watch a VOD review of bronze rein zarya and point out over a hundred mistakes that make them play it improperly


Nobody can really agree one what should be done for him, just the general idea (better kit but nanoblade is worse). I want to try 29 dmg on his shurikens and either make it so that his ultimate does not receive damage boosts or rework the whole ability.


they make mistakes because they play in bronze butr they still meta pick you smell me?

I do not know how this hero should be worked on. Any buff might be too strong. But where he is now I think he is low to “meh”.


I think Genji is ok like most of the heroes besides the broken ones we already know.
But his shurikens damage could be buffed a little in my opinion.
Blade is decent and most players just use it with nano, blade can be trash without nano but why give it a buff when you can just nano?
Open for debate.

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According to Overbuff PC this week

Genji is the 4th most picked dps in all ranks
the 12th most picked dps in bronze
the 9th most picked dps in silver
the 4th most picked dps in gold
the 4th most picked dps in plat
the 4th most picked dps in diamond
the 5th most picked dps in master
the 13th most picked dps in grandmaster

yeah I think you don’t understand the word “Meta”

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true but sometimes ana isn’t there so i usually combo blade with other things if possible

Yes, they pick meta heroes, but they aren’t playing the meta properly because they are bronze. META means Most Effective Tactic Available, and in order to play the most ‘effective tactic’, you have to not only play the effective heroes but the player has to be… well effective. This is why Jeff said nobody was actually running dive or GOATS properly diamond and below a few years ago

Back to this, genji isnt even ‘meta’ in lower ranks because at most he is 4th most picked DPS/3% pick rate at best. Wouldn’t call that dominating. That’s just him being popular

pickrates fluctuate my guy

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We shouldn’t be buffing blade which is the last thing we want. Blade is fine as is. Only suitable changes would be ult charge nerfs to stop it from charging fast. What genji needs help is his base kit dps and less power or focus onto ult. What genji lacks is base kit, not ult kit. We don’t need to buff his ult kit like AT ALL. His base kit is the one lacking


Then what is your sources what did you base “Genji is meta” on ?


Considering he barely manages a 51% winrate at a 2% pickrate across all ranks, most likely.

Genji takes too much effort for how little he provides these days; literally any reason you could have to pick him, anyone else does better.

I want you to look at his 46% to 52% winrate this week across Bronze-Plat, the average rank for people, and tell me genuinely that he’s a meta pick. Soldier has a higher pickrate, and plenty of people think he’s garbage.


what would you change in his “base kit”

I would buff his shuriken damage
Idk what else could be done though

overbuff/reddit/ingame/overwatch forum/OWL/streamers/google

Honestly, I would start off small with 29dmg shurikens and see if that solves his issue. And also simultaneously watching for his ult as long as it doesn’t overperform like what happened in June 2020. If it’s too consistent, then spread will also need to be toned back a bit. One step at a time

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That’s literally the source that I gave to you and you told me it isn’t reliable

sure give me the statistics and I’ll believe


Rein Zarya is a meta that is always played on ladder, regardless of if it is actually the best. It simply takes the least teamwork and skill to play as/with.

When Rein Zar is actually the strongest comp, ladder players aren’t suddenly big brain players who understand that meta, the meta just coincidentally changed to fit them.

I just want to move in baby steps for him.

He is generally strong against uncoordinated teams, and a lot of people who don’t play him hate him whether or not he is actually strong. But he is also popular because of his design. So if he actually becomes viable, he will seem a lot stronger than he actually is and will receive a lot of undeserved hate.

Which is why I want to move in smaller steps for making him a better hero.


And do you believe a DPS who is the 4th most picked in most ranks out of 17 possible heroes deserves a buff?


I never said he deserves a buff I said that he is not a meta