Does feedback matter or are we stuck with this?

I have a feeling no feedback matters and we’re stuck with this crap system. It REALLY sucks. Role Queue / Role Lock / forced 2-2-2 has effectively killed every bit of fun in this game. I’ve played thousands of matches and the game has never been this awful.

The problem is Blizzard wanted to appease the whiners about role queue to guarantee them they could play their preferred role. OK, great, but the ONLY way to make that work is to also have Role Lock which sucks. It literally destroys flexing, and makes so many games hopeless losses because now not only do you have to rely on your teammates skill in their role, but you also have to hope that their one trick is a good counter for the other team. If it is not you lose or you steamroll the competition if they have the bad teammates/one tricks - which sucks for them. Since you’re stuck in roles your team can’t adapt to the opposing team’s comp anymore. The SUPER COMMON swap between roles is gone, and with it your team’s chances to win.

But wait there’s more! The only way to do Role Lock is to have set roles for every match. So 2/2/2 is born as the forced meta. Think about it - you can’t do role lock and have a 1/3/2 team vs a 2/2/2 team - people would cry about it being unfair. So we’re forced into this singular way to play the game.

So basically, to appease a small group of loud whiners, we get Role Queue, which comes with side dishes of Role Lock and forced Comps. Overwatch comp game play and player choice just took a massive hit for … what exactly?

Toxicity is WAY WAY WAY up, game quality is somehow vastly worse than before, and the fun factor is in the toilet. I used to play this game an hour minimum a night - now I don’t even want to play at all - the game is so not fun and so toxic its just not at all enjoyable anymore. An hour may not sound like a lot, but I work at least 80 hours a week and spend most of my remaining waking hours with the family. So if I squeeze in an hour at 2am to play its because I love the game.

That’s 100% changed. These changes have been awful. The fun us gone and I don’t even want to touch the game anymore.


I didnt have fun in system without 222, now i do.


Idk prior to role queue I was skeptical about it affecting adaptability, but now that I’ve seen it I think it increases the competitiveness of matches a lot


Disregarding someone’s opinion and experience because they ranked lower than you just makes you look silly. Rank shaming is just another form of bullying which proves the OPs point anyway. You have nothing to say about any of his points and attack his rank. Bravo my dude.

This is also my experience. I’m in Masters.


Im a high diamond player on my other account, and I have the same opinion as the lowly bronze/silver player. sorry his rank doesnt impress you, but he is right


Not for me it hasn’t. Blizzard have made Overwatch Competitve fun again.

No, Blizzard wanted to change the game to the most optimal composition that they balance the heroes to.

You absolutely can because the opposing team’s comp will also be 2-2-2.

Players still have choice, and the game is much improved with 2-2-2.

Also, it’s Blizzard’s game, not yours. They can change it however they want and you have zero say in it.

It’s not. It’s the same it’s always been.

Also, it’s ironic that you complain about toxicity yet are toxic yourself as evidenced by your post calling players “whiners” multiple times.

Then don’t. That’s one of the many choices you have as a player.

The rest of us will be here enjoying everything Role Queue has to offer.


I mean just because silver players think 2-2-2 isnt the reason they cant climb doesnt make the system bad. Theres also no basis that there is more toxicity other than they placebo affect.

Try to look at it objectively.

Alternate games between comp and quick play. Decide which one has better quality matches. Decide if you genuinely enjoyed playing in 4 or 5 or 6 dps comps every other game.


I like that the only refutation of my post is LOL you are silver. Whatever. I have another account where I’m high gold. SR is largely meaningless until you get to huge numerical differences. The SR / elo system is garbage for rating players in a team based game.

Anyway, I stand by my post. This game just got wildly objectively worse. There are tons of threads here saying the same thing and tons of posts on reddit and other forums as well. I’m not alone in experiencing what a huge disappointment this has been.

Blizzard should make role queue a separate mode for those who want it and leave traditional competitive in the game.


Make up your mind.

If you mean that Blizzard should listen to you, but not the other whiners, good luck with that.


It’s actually a large majority of the community that has been asking for this for years.

Nope it actually allows a lot of flexibility and puts encourages people to learn roles properly. I been flex tanking for the last few season and I was basically limited to Meta tanks or WB (for the 3+ dps teams I got so much)

Now I can use almost any tank, knowing that I will have the proper support.

Seeing how your post is written I have a hunch your prob the cause of it. Not saying toxic behavior is gone but I have experiences a huge drop in toxic behavior like a lot of others posting on these forums have pointed out.

The game has changed. If you don’t like it then that sucks but the game is much more balanced and will only get better as things start getting tweaked and adjusted to the new system.


No, feedback generally doesn’t matter. Look how long the Bastion threads went on. They tuned him up once and had to revert it because his kit is just weird, then put him on the back burner ever since. Unless you’re a person of influence, the forums exist to pacify you.

Character assassination is not a valid argument. They should really teach that in schools.

Here’s my profile, its public because I have nothing to hide:

I have very high endorsement levels, have played thousands of games and play all 3 roles. I’m old so I can’t play at a high level.

None of the above matters. What matters is the topic at hand which is the changes Blizzard made to competitive. I’m glad it seems to be working for a few people, good for you. But recognize that it is NOT working for a lot of us, based on what I’ve seen I’d say most of us.

This new system should be optional. There is no reason Blizzard could not have introduced this as an entirely new competitive mode. That would have made everyone happy.

I mean in a way this system already existed in group finder. That allowed locked roles and role queueing. Almost no one used it. That should have been telling.


I’m not the one making statements like this

If you start your argument by trying to invalidate those who will argue against you as “Whiners” it is reasonable to think that you are likely taking this kind of attitude into your games.

I didn’t say you where, simply that I suspect that you are probably part of the problem.

It’s not “few people” there has been a huge positive reaction to the changes. Certainly dissenting opinion like your own but trying to frame this in your favor isn’t a good way in trying to make your point.

I take what streamer say very lightly since most have a vested interested in OW’s success so those opinions need to be taken lightly but that’s not the only source of praise I see. These forums are a good example.

Not everyone has RL influences as well but I am seeing my friends coming back and loving the changes. We wont know the real results until prob season 19 or so when true data and numbers and reactions start becoming well known.

There was a number of flaws there.

-teams took much longer to create
-team leaders could dictate to groups
-roles aren’t enforced, up to group
-they fell apart easily

All social issues that aren’t going to be solved by having people try to coordinate their own games.

bliz prob coulda gone the guild route if they hadn’t done 2-2-2 but that still has the same LFG issues imbedded into it.

Me either. It was quickly going from my favorite to play to actual disdain for it. Role queue made the game exponentially better.

shouldn’t we give this time, it’s still in beta lol

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Imo toxicity has gone waaay down.

Masters player btw ^·^


you have like what 6% of the player base in Masters? GM has about 4% at best? Toxicity is gonna range but if you are grouping into the Rank system, statistically it hasnt changed by numbers, its only shifted.

So this silver player is in a rank where alot of players are.

He must have played with over 50% of the player base to determine that toxicity has increased.

Im interested in seeing how he kept tracked of this.


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Oh just stop. You are proving this player right by you being ignorant, because he is right. You have more of a chance to play with all the M and GM players than he would likely meet with 30% of the Silver player base. I’ve been in silver before and its quite Toxic, not as bad as Gold or Plat and Low Diamond. I have also experienced an increase in disgruntled players, not so much “Toxic” ones, but ones that are very frustrated by the way the game took a turn towards. It’s putting everyone on edge, even though its a “BETA” that is more than likely an official release trolled to us by the Dev team.

I am personally tired of multi-account players abusing the system, using their smurf accounts to troll and “try out” heroes they dont play so they dont ruin their main accounts SR. There should be an option for Competitive that allows these types of players to do a ‘Disabled SR’ Competitive Queue, they can play with anyone else in that queue with all the Comp rules, but are not able to queue with Live SR. They wont gain or lose SR, but it will match according to their current Live SR. Blizz should force account linking for this too if you use the same Phone Number, Credit Card and Billing Address. - My little piece to this madness.