Does feedback matter or are we stuck with this?

How fair can the competitive match be. If you are ranked with 2400 CP and the rest of your team is not even ranked yet, its new to the game and with lvl 1 of endorsement?!

Ofc I lost the match, didn’t even get past the first point.

Which way do you want it?


Toxicity is WAY WAY WAY up

Wouldn’t completely agree on this part. It’s rather like this: if the game goes well for your team, the attitude is twice as good. If not, it’s ten times worse than before. But overall yeah, it’s bad, and 2-2-2 incentivises it even more.

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Less actually. It’s like 4% Masters 1% GM

regardless, the point is the same.

This is exactly my point.

OP cant say toxicity increased because more than likely OP just had a run in with toxic players.

Role queue fixes multi accounts. Unless the person just likes to use multiple accounts.

Other than that the OP still has no argument.


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no it doesnt fix multi-accounts, it enabled exponentially more. There is currently a huge influx of new accounts of smurfs trolling, testing Sigma, and testing the new system instead of risking the chance of ruining their other accounts SR. Its happening, quit being ignorant, oh wait you cant because you are entitled and feel like you need to be right about everything.

In a role lock people smurfing are not a problem as long as they dont queue for their main role.

But even then they have less incentive to do so since SR is now separated into three roles.

And if 70% of your matches your teammates are telling you they are Diamonds/Master/GM then either 99% of that 70% are claiming to be diamonds which i find more likely or the game has a lot more Masters and GM’s.

drinks oj

I’ve eliminated toxicity by not joining voice or text channels. From all my playtime, I’ve really only used it to prevent my team from tilting which leaves me less focused on the game and more worried about making sure teammate A doesn’t fight teammate B. Now I just get to play the game and focus on what I need to.

So whether toxicity increased or decreased isn’t applicable to me as I don’t have to worry about dealing with people ingame anymore.

The creativity aspect in games is 50-50 IMO. I didn’t mind the multiple DPS games as the game was always favored towards kill faster and for the casual ladder players like us, that was mainly done by throwing in more damage. The one thing that I can possibly see 2/2/2 locking do for the future (far future, not near) is to teach the players the importance of working and supporting each other together. This is going to take time, overwatch has a massive audience who all have their own idea of the “RIGHT” way to play the game. 2/2/2, deathball, bunker, trip/Quad DPS, dive, goats and all the variants within that. When one player who’s in the Trip/Quad DPS category gets matched up with a Dive minded Tank player, then there’s already natural synergy as both that DPS player and the Dive player have a get in their face mentality. The next game that same DPS player could get matched up with a bunker Tank player and now all the sudden they both are calling each others noobs and they should uninstall because their own perception of what’s right is now being undermined by the other and as such they get steamrolled.

By limiting it to 2/2/2, at least it’s one step toward trying to make the playerbase ubiquitous in terms of the way they play the game. Do I agree with the decision? No, not really. However, not everyone thinks the same way that I do in the sense of changing the way I play/heroes I pick in accordance to what the current team setup is.

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Not all are smurfs, the majority are. Nearly 70% of my matches I get a player on my team saying he is on a brand new alt account, and their main is Diamond, Masters, GM, etc. Most all say the same thing, they dont want to mess with their main account in case the “BETA SR” reflects onto their main SR if it switches over to LIVE. Or they just want to “Practice” other heroes.

Enjoy the popcorn.

Going to copy and paste just in case you dont get notified.

^_^. . .

munches chips

I just wish there were a way to give feedback in private. Like, just send it to them rather than post on the forums and risk being trolled/flamed for days when you just wanted to give feedback to Blizz. Sometimes I just don’t feel like using forums.


So you edited your previous response in failed efforts to attempt to troll me in duplicated everything I said in my last to make it seem your own. You are really fishing for arguments sir/ma’am/it/they/you/whateveryouwanttobecalled. My oh my, that edit marker really gives you away. Thank you for proving OP once more, bleeding into the forums like this. Here is a rag.

Nah i just didnt realize i was editing my post when i was replying. So i left it as is.

My argument still stands tho against your

my response.

munches on curly fries

^_^. . .

The fun per hour ratio is decreasing… 11 min queue, cancelled because someone left, 7 min queue into a 2cp map. So in 18 mins, I had 0 mins of game time and in 40 mins I had 22 mins of the worst map type.


Most people I’ve seen so far seem to believe it’s an improvement, including all of the straw polls on the forums. This is by no means conclusive evidence, but it seems to me like those who dislike role queue are in a minority thus far. And unfortunately the dev team is not about to go scrap a year’s worth of work because some people don’t like it.

Feedback is what brought OW 2-2-2 role lock, so I’d say feedback makes a huge difference. Give constructive feedback. That being said, 2-2-2 is here to stay in my opinion.

No, I disagree. Overwatch’s growing list of heroes (and even the original roster) was impossible to balance when players could create thousands of team compositions. 2-2-2 will make game balance easier and more effective. Though, players did ask for 2-2-2.

2-2-2 makes teamwork more important than ever because a player cannot simply changes roles to carry a team to a win. Learn heroes and make friends, it’s going to be important.

The playing field is even. Your 2-2-2 has to beat the enemy 2-2-2. Teamwork and skill are more important than ever.

The rise in toxicity comes from change, but this season is a beta. Players tend to forget that.

QP and arcade are not locked, so I don’t really understand your complaint.

This is so very, very, wrong an assessment of why 2-2-2 was done…

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Toxicity is way down and enjoyment is way up :grinning:

I am in platinum

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Fix is a strong word, but Jeff Kaplan hopes, and I agree with him that people who use alternate accounts for the purpose of protecting their “Main” SR will have less incentive to do so, as they can go play an off-role and have a separate SR for that on their main account. Jeff and Seagull talk about it in the interview below.

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