Does doomfist take skill

this isnt a debate on whether or not hes overpowered, but does he take skill?

I picked him up in 20 minutes and climbed 600 SR in about 2 days of playing. my friend, who went from mid diamond to low masters this season, as a doomfist main, says that doomfist does take skill and that i was only able to climb because i was playing against plats, however i was a plat, which means im the same skill as them


According to the forums anyone who counters and kills them is skill less/no aim no brain/easy/unfun!



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Doom does take skill, but it takes a lot more skill to counter doom in currerent meta.


Sir. How could you climb 600 SR with doomfist in 2 days when your winrate for him is 38%? You’ve played 11 games on him this season and lost 7 of them.


Haha, he got caught lying. Doom is actually one of the hardest heros to get good with. Him Genji Tracer and Ball are top 4


It does depend on the rank though.

played on a different account

Bro why you lying? That doesnt make sense??? Cause hes the same hero on this account so wouldnt you dominate on this one to??? No you only win 38 percent. You are a garbage doom


So you climbed from bronze to silver??? Cause that’s the only way that makes that possible. Why don’t you share the name of the account you “climbed” on

Idk I picked up doom on my alt and got it to masters from my diamond with 70% WR . He’s not easy but he provides so much value it’s hard not to win even if you’re not a god

Also this guy says he picked him up in 20 minutes. When he has several hours on a “different account” that’s another lie. Unless the different account thing is a lie too.


That’s a little better but you still lied about “picking him up in 20 minutes.” And you did climb from gold which is where all the poeople who don’t know how to counter doomfist lurk.

Why dont you just admit that you are a liar? I want to know why people lie for no reason

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Doomfist takes skill. Alot of it? Not really but there is some skill. Not mechanical just game sense related and the most skill with doom is around using his cooldowns properly.

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Doom’s definitely not a hero you pick up in 20, I still fail ledge punches on him with a decent amount of hours. His mobility is the main thing that creates high skill ceiling

Doomfist takes more game sense than mechanical skill. But he still takes a fair amount of mechanical skill as well. Not as much as say Genji, but still.

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It’s stupid he can one shot you with about 1,000th the precision required to one shot someone with widow AND gets health from it AND on a short cooldown AND gives great mobility

Hope he gets nerfed into F tier. The least fun hero to play against


once ur like high diamond you really aren’t missing shots with widow and she becomes completely busted