Does doomfist need a nerf?

I play brig and don’t want my counter to be good waaaahhhhh.

Doomfist isn’t a Brigitte counter waaahhh he’s a soft counter at best
If I was complaining about counters I’d ask for a Pharah nerf, you moron.

Don’t worry you’re probably gonna get it with all your waaahhhhhh sauce.

If doom gets nerfed then brig needs to be, she is far more ridiculous and she’s the main reason why Doomfist is even seeing action this season.

Moira’s Fade is 6 sec, Uppercut and slam are both 7 sec. You shoudl ahve a fade for every combo. You’re literally just being outplayed. You got killed by someone who is good at taking out supports while you were a support? And you didn’t use GA which is still available to you after his abilities land? That’s bad on you.

In a 1v1 scenario this is quite true but our games aren’t 1v1 and doomfists wait for sound or visual queues to go in. So most people will be frustrated when he shows up.

Slow charging, easily dodged, loud asf ability is the most OP ability. Definitely worse than literal across the map silent headshot from Widow or Hanzo.


Moira can move 15 metres in .8 seconds. There is no way he can reach you with seismic slam. He isn’t even likely to be able to rocket punch you, especially if you move around a corner.

Did you forget about Doomfist’s Rocket Punch? Let’s say Doomfist uses Rocket Punch, Moira uses Fade to avoid it. He could just Seismic Slam the Moira and Uppercut + Hand Cannon her to death after that.

Doomfist’s Rocket Punch is barely a second to fully charge. With everything happening around, a charge noise with a duration of 1 second is not good enough.

Doomfist can manoeuvre his Seismic Slam completely. He can rotate himself mid-air/mid-Seismic Slam and hit targets in stupid ways. In most scenarios he can get to Moira anyway, it comes to map design then.


Why fade to avoid rocket punch when just moving normally avoids it? And it takes at least a second to charge, not less. Plus he makes a ton of noise, much of which can actually be heard over the noise of combat, so if you ignore that, then you’re at fault. Also, the only way Doomfist “relocates” himself Mid slam is by the direction he’ll be facing when he lands, he can’t change trajectory unless you found a feature literally nobody else knows about.


Rotating doesn’t make you move any further. It also takes about a second for Doomfist to do a grounded seismic slam, in that time you can move an extra 5.5 metres.

A Doomfist can rotate and slightly move as he charges his rocket punch. And you cannot avoid it within a second.

Nah he just need a fortified fist in a face.

He rotates, but still shoots in a straight line. And you said slightly move which is right, he moves extremely slowly. It’s still extremely easy to dodge, especially since he can’t move a major distance before he has to release RP.

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I’m fine with reverting his Shields back to its original value. Its not that of a big buff anyway.

Ability that does as much damage as a sniper headshot every 4 seconds is overpowered but he was never meant to be in the game so obviously he isn’t going to be balanced in any way.

This is why I don’t understand support players complaning about it. Especially Ana players, I’m an Ana player myself, and I honestly dunno why people keep saying “doomfirst is only good against ana and zen”, zen I can agree with but ana? His moves are so telegraphed that it’s pretty much the same as hitting sleeps on a rein charging. Even if you fail the sleep, you have time to move, and if he uppercuts you after you can trow a nade at him, it will heal you, damage him, and you will survive.

I do agree that doomfist needs tweaking, he has the best winrate in the game if you exclude those 2 heroes with 1% pickrate. And I really don’t think it’s because of the meta. But even if it was because of the meta, he would still need nerfs, just buff him after the meta changes again, they did that with other heroes anyways.

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Its balanced and fair because he used “skill” to kill you and is a DPS hero.
You just needed at this point without skill hitting 1 button and fly away from him.
You think that is balanced and “not that bad”? xd

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This is what I meant in my last comment. These players act like Doomfist’s uppercut silences you as well. Guys, you can use abilities after.

This comment was even worse, a mercy comment, mercy already has her regen, and the best tool to escape doomfist (GA), for a doomfist to catch a mercy, either the mercy has zero game sense and didn’t see him coming, she failed at using GA properly or for some reason she was wandering alone on the map, I might try to be a doom main now just to punish those flanking mercy’s, gotta hate those. /s

Yeah except for now that they changed his shotgun it’s like getting capped by a super accurate torb and you can’t move so you pretty much are gonna get OWNED with no recourse. I remember before they buffed his shotgun people had a chance to survive getting uppercutted and you still had a decent chance to cap them but now it’s just way to forgiving. If the shotgun is gonna be amazing then they need to give people air control.

I feel like people forget sombra exists and pretty much ruins matches for doom mains.