Does doomfist need a nerf?

did you know that saying youre going to flag something is against the CoC


You’re complaining because when you played Mercy Doomfist maneuvered himself to you and killed you with his abilities. You feel this is unfair because you didn’t have any abilities to prevent this from happening.

However, thank about all the matchups that are one sided in the ge already:

Hero: counter

Winston: Bastion
Bastion: Hanzo
Doomfist: Sombra
Reaper: Pharah
Torbjorn: Hanzo

I don’t see why Mercy’s interaction with Doomfist should be treated as special.


the community at doomfist

Doomfist and Sombra are basically equals if 1v1.

Doomfist’s Hand Cannon can take out Sombra just as much as her Primary Fire can take out Doomfist.

Reaper can survive the slam uppercut combo, so can Moira, Genji, Mei, Tracer, Sombra, Ana (with sleep dart).

I don’t buy this argument, I wouldn’t if it were on sale.

yes, he needs.
a nerf or a rework.

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Okay, I give up. You are obviously unable to read full replies. And I don’t like having to repeat my same arguments over and over.

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I hate him because of the way he works. He uses CC to kill but his counter is also CC. It’s a definition of “fight fire with fire”.

EDIT: Or you know, you play mobile heroes to give in into the power of mobility ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Darth Gengu: “Did the forums ever tell you of the power of dive? It’s not a story most would tell you.”

A small nerf to Doomfist would mean the end of him. Maybe a Hog buff?

I mean, that should never even happen to you on Mercy. You realize that you can fly out of his seismic slam, AND his uppercut?


Sure, if it works. Or, actually, when it works his Rocket Punch is ready to be used again.

i feel like doomfist doesnt need a nerf, but he just needs someone who can reliably kill him, (Roadhog). I play Roadhog a lot, like a lot, and he certainly does counter doom if you can land your hook (which isnt very hard because doom is huge)

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Punch jumping should be removed and DF’s mobility should be buffed in other ways. It’s an exploit, plain and simple, that gives DF more mobility than he needs- his punch was nerfed from 30m to 20m for a reason. Learning to abuse exploits /=/ skill.

False flagging is against the rules

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Roadhog needs buffs.

A Brigitte main complaining about CC. When I thought I’ve seen everything.

Doomfist Rocket Punch is Easy to Dodge.

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I’m primarily a Symmetra main, for your information.
And Brigitte can’t shield bash you if you destroy her shield, silly. And once you bait it out you have 7 entire seconds to kill her. Compared to Doomfist who’s every ability is a CC with a 4s cooldown on his fast one shot :sleepy: but stay mad I guess

Not when you’re just been slammed and then uppercut into the air :woman_shrugging:t2: