Does anyone remember the days?

The only time players on console could use her xD


It wasā€¦ Less overwatch related, butā€¦ (In the worst move of my life) I used OW To compensate, and toā€¦ Escape. It ended not so good.
BUT! Iā€™m better now, and thatā€™s all that matters. :3

Lol! I was that kid watching the shorts in pure amazement, and Hoping to someday own the game.
(It was a gift from a family memberā€¦ they Pre-Ordered it for me!!)

I was the same wayā€¦ i had heard a ton about hearthstone and WoW, butā€¦ didnā€™t care to look furtherā€¦

Ok, this is going to sound weird, butā€¦ i still have dreams about playing back thenā€¦ Like, literal dreams.

And i wake up, justā€¦ Annoyedā€¦ And usually make a few threads afterwards. X3

:blush: :blue_heart:

(Chibi is tired, and needs sleep.)

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I remember No Limits as part of the regular game modes.

Please never again.

I remember huge res of 6 people and immediately their death from Pharah :slight_smile:

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I remember Gibralter being 4 points instead of 3, with the additional point under the carwash. In Comp, a lot of teams would just hand that point over for free in order to have a stronger defense at the corner.

I remember Comp matches being decided by a coinflip. You were screwed if you got defense on Gibralter since they only needed to get the payload to the carwash.

I remember prior to the global ult charge nerf where once you started winning, you would often have your ult every fight, or every other if it was something like grav.

Also, ranks being 1-100 instead of 1-5000 with Bronze-GM tiers.

Defense Matrix on E.


Wow a lot of people remember! Very naisu! :clap: :clap:

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I still canā€™t use Widowmaker as a console peasantā€¦ When I get her in Mystery Heroes, I miss every shotā€¦ What hurts the most is getting damage boosted while play Widowmaker cause I know that player is judging meā€¦


I memberā€¦I left the rains down in Africa.

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Remember when Symmetra could just slap shields on her teammates?

Remember when Ana had to use a Melee in her combo to one shot? Honestly kind of hard to forget that one since most Anas didnā€™t get the memo and punch the ground after killing them.

Remember when 2CP first got reworked and if you full held you only had to touch the point uncontested for a microsecond to win?

Yeah, so, thatā€™s probably me. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: This is one of the most fun things to do as Mercy in Mystery Heroes. I actually love getting Mercy and then following a Tracer around who has no idea how to play Tracer while I keep them alive and refuse to let them die. I can see them getting more and frustrated at still being alive as they continue to fail at Tracer-ing.

Alternatively, if you can find a Hanzo who is not comfortable using Hanzo and just damage boost him while he misses every shot and you can see him kinda turn toward you at some point as if pleading for you to release him from his shame torturing. Ahhh, good times. :slightly_smiling_face:

Iā€™m never judging tho, Iā€™m just as bad a shot with snipers as the next console pleb, I just like to encourage players to try their best even tho theyā€™re out of their comfort zone. Itā€™s all in fun and occasionally theyā€™ll even get an instrumental POTG. Too often in MH people just kamikaze with a hero they donā€™t like rather than give it a good go, and this sort of defeatist attitude kinda kills the spirit of MH, imo.


Anyone that can use her on console has my respect fully. I canā€™t even play Hanzo and heā€™s supposed to be ā€œeasierā€ xD

When could died because of her own ultimate


If you really want to see me panic randomly nano boost me playing Reinā€¦ Nothing breaks my heart like watching Ana players giving me a disappointed look over my dead corpseā€¦

My luck with Hanzo is me missing the person who Iā€™m aiming for but hitting the person behind themā€¦

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That always, no mattered what, made me so mad xD

Back when I mained D.Va, the frustration of dying to your own ult was just downright angering! However, getting a 5 man kill was the only best part of it lol

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I think that 4 seconds for the detonation of the ultimate was great :3

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Iā€™m so bad I can even aim at anybody let alone land a hit lol Itā€™s so sad because I watch these players use him like its nothing. Rip.

I can land hits since itā€™s all about shooting where they are going and not where they are but getting the kills with those shots is a different story.

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Which explains why I suck lol My predictability is as good as an 8 ballā€¦

Do you remember the days when double Genji/double Winston was meta?

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I played a lot of TF2 Battle medic with the crossbow so that sorta helps, I play Overwatch on console cause my PC is a potato.

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