Does anyone else think it's weird that Mercy's healing is low?

another thread comparing the heroes with utility to Moira who has no utility :wink:

gee, I wonder why Moira can heal more than these other guys maybe it’s the fact she has NOTHING ELSE hahahaha.


It’s the trade off for being one of the healers who can efficiently heal over enemy barriers - which people seem to conveniently forget.


I mean it’s not weird. It’s balanced.

She can’t have Rez,damage boost,high mobility,self heal AND high healing at the same time.


I mean, the range on her heal is 15 meters which usually means she has to be standing in a dangerous position to still reach her ally, and Lucio and Brigitte both heal/armor through barriers, Ana can heal through barriers with Nano-Boost in a way that is much more clutch than 50 HP per second, Moira orb and Ult heals straight through barriers, and Baptiste AOE heal works through barriers, lol. Meanwhile Mercy usually has to fly through barriers directly into the enemy team to get the same effect.

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Imagine comparing default healing to ultimates and abilities with long cds


They should bring the healing up to 55HPS and call it a day.

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I consider Moira orb quite spammable actually, and more effective at healing around barriers since the fighting there is generally more compact.

“spamable” 10 seconds CD? lol ok…


Uh yeah, actually. Any good Moira player pretty much exclusively heals with orb outside of combat because of the fact that it’s on a relatively low CD and it helps keep their resource meter high for when they actually need it.


10 seconds

low cd


10 seconds is a hell of a long time in ow… and lets not forget any tiny little bump on a wall etc will send Moira’s orb to space lol.

“any good moira”

what are you trying to say btw lol and I don’t need a Moira lesson from you, do you see my username? :slight_smile:


Her healing may be low but it is most consistent one which makes it the most efficient one as well (after ana’s nade).

Ppl who think mercy needs buff are delusional and the fact that she is still one of the preferred picks for healer proves that.


It’s low, it felt really low. I don’t like playing mercy, but every time I try to play her, it felt helpless especially when there was a lot of low hp teammate scattered.
I don’t understand why people say she’s no skill nowadays. I suppose if you just act like a healbot, that is easy no-skill. But to get value out of her, it’s so difficult to get value out of her kit. Things like I dunno… prioritize your heal, letting people die, hold your rez, force a rez, try to quickly get your ult to get that much needed heal buff. I really think if you can get a lot of value out of her kit, then you have skill.

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Would rather rez get removed and mercy get good heal buffs tbh, rez is useless in teamfights at high levels, but oh my god its oh so powerful I guess.


I really want them to remove rez, yeah you will get those moments where you ressurect someone and you win the point/the game but thats IF you get those moments, most of the time you stagger yourself into a vulnerable position killing you, leaving the person you just ressurected to die as well - almost instantly because they’re 1v6.

I wouldn’t mind if they changed her base healing+healing levels in valkyrie as a compensation, and chains to not break when you activate it.


While I agree, there are many still who don’t like her current state, but a fair number have given up trying to discuss further changes especially after the megathreads weren’t appearing to be officially used for the purpose that they repeatedly claimed in each of the first posts. Then there’s the general hatred stigma towards Mercy, especially when anyone dares to suggest buffs, improvements, changes or even a rework. However, if you discuss nerfing Mercy then it can generally be more accepted, ironic. Especially if a popular streamer or content creator had aired a complaint or negative comment about something to do with Mercy when playing against Mercy.


Mercy’s Ress brings a lot of utility
Mercy’s boost brings a lot of utility and dmg.
Mercy’s mobility brings a lot of utility


Mercy’s healing is too low, and it’s pushing her out of her intended role as main healer. She’s quite often run now either alongside another main healer, or in a comp that doesn’t really need much healing. Mercy has been a balanced main healer before, and there’s no reason to not let her be that again.

The game has 4 main healers: Ana, Baptiste, Mercy, and Moira. At higher ranks they fall into 2 groupings: Ana and Mercy do a similar amount of healing, and Baptiste and Moira do a similar amount of healing. The Baptiste/Moira group is about 1k/10 minutes higher in gm than the Ana/Mercy group.

Both Baptiste and Ana bring MUCH more utility than Mercy/Moira. Baptiste has immortality field, significant damage (around 3-4 times Mercy’s damage + damage boosted total), a strong boosting ult, burst heals and aoe heals outside of ult.

Ana is an even more extreme comparison. She brings about 2-3 times as much damage as Mercy’s damage+damage boosted, has anti heal, sleep, the best burst heals, and a fight winning burst ultimate. There’s a reason she’s been dominating the other healers in ladder. She’s simply better than every other healer in the game by a fair margin.

Consistency, mobility, and the ability to heal through barriers are important in that they allow you to heal more. They should be showin up as higher healing totals. They’re not. What’s more, consistency comes at a price of not having burst heals, which are often much more important.

Mercy is still being picked, but that doesn’t mean that she’s being picked to fulfill her intended role. She still heals for a lot, but that doesn’t mean that she heals enough to do her job as a main healer.

I think the devs need to give her back some of her hps, if not to 60 then to 55. Maybe they should wait to see how things pan out in the next patch, but my guess is that the ult nerfs will only make the situation worse. In addition, the devs definitely need to look at Moira again.


People often forget the obvious. Good post. She could probably use a small healing buff, but that’s it.

Let’s not bring Moira into this when heal and damage is literally ALL she can do.

Also, I wouldn’t be looking at baptiste either when he has a low and pick rate including in higher tier play including owl.


I’m certain she’ll go back to her old healing numbers now that 3-3 is banned. They just need to readjust heroes to remove nerfs meant to weaken triple heals and triple tanks.