Unless i’m specifically playing Orisa or Sigma, i feel there’s just so little i can do.
Roadhog - You hook her, she survives thanks to her cooldown(s) and now you’re going to get cc chained.
Zarya - You have to get dangerously close to her to deal damage. Granted, your bubble can slow her freeze down. But she’s still not going to die even if you’re high charge because of her ice block and wall.
Ball - I don’t think i even have to talk about this one.
Rein - You can whack her a few times and keep your shield up. Annoyingly though, her slow effect persists and keeps building up when your shield is up.
Winston - Your damage is essentially meaningless, you have to get into her range to deal damage and her cooldowns make her impossible to kill at times.
D.va - Similar issues as Winston. Your damage is too low to be meaningful unless you’re in her effective range. She’s still better off than Winston in the damage department, but her freeze ray completely ignores DM.
Overall, Mei, Doomfist and Sombra have killed my lust for tanking. I’m not interested in queuing up for tank anymore for as long as these characters have this much cc. Not necessarily saying they’re overpowered, but they absolutely killed tanking for me over time. I don’t have the patience to deal with their cheesy and obnoxious cc anymore.
I hate mei as a character but I don’t feel completely powerless in the tank role, I do feel like I have very few options though usually feeling obligated to go either winston, zarya, or hog. Winston I can outright avoid her or shield dance enough to escape, zarya because I can bubble and burn her down enough to block and escape or just outright kill her and hog sometimes being able to hook her when low or combo enough to kill her although if I screw up gg. I don’t feel orisa is great despite what people say because “fortify lol” mainly because she’s so susceptible to wall (zarya somewhat as well but more comfortable with her) idk I don’t think she’s as oppressive as some other problems but I still never enjoy seeing mei in a match.
Youre forgetting the part where her bubble cleanse Mei’s freeze for herself and for a teammate.
Zarya is because of this a good counter against Mei’s core mechanic and ultimate.
Orisa can ignore Mei’s freeze by using fortify or by shield dancing.
Her halt can displace Mei when she is lining up her secondary shot.
Because of this do consider Orisa a decent counter to Mei as well.
I think it’s fitting that a hero with unlimited CC is a counter to a hero with unlimited mobility.
The shield does block it though.
Mei has to walk through the shield to freeze Reinhardt though.
You forgetting their mobility.
Yes, they can be frozen, but the can easily evade it as well. Because of their mobility is Mei’s wall not that big of a problem.
Winston can also shield dance, just like Orisa.
I find this pretty ironic, because tanks themselves has a ton of CC.
As far as I understand it the shield does block the freeze but the slow still stacks even when shielding, so when she does actually hit a rein who’s been shielding he freezes almost instantly, never understood why this was the case and felt it was pretty dumb.
No i did not forget that. I specifically gave it a mention.
But yeah, bubbles don’t keep her away and bubbles don’t kill the fatty.
I can only enable team mates to do something about her.
I specifically mentioned Orisa as one of my 2 options…
Yes, and she also forces me to keep it up.
Completely shutting me off from making plays.
No, i’m not.
Yes, they have mobility. But if you constantly have to give away space then why play them in the first place?
Does this really kill her? Or do you mean after a few swings? I’ll have to try it out either way, seems a bit gimicky as it doesn’t leave much room for error but still better than nothing.
None of them have CC as hard as Mei’s. Excluding displacements, zoning tools, and knockbacks, you really only have Reinhardt’s Earthshatter and Sigma’s accretion that are as hard of CC as Mei’s primary fire.
75+75+100 and Mei has 250 hp.
But that is assuming she’s receiving no healing whatsoever, and that she does not respect your damage. But you should be frozen mid second swing animation anyway.
Seeing how the majority of the hero roster has mobility, CC or a higher damage output than Mei, do they hmhave a better chance of dealing or evading Mei.
Zarya is a decent counter to Mei.
I know, but if I was going to make a list of tank, then I better include everyone.
(And yet did I still forgot Sigma )
Just my opinion dude, but I get you have a different opinion about this.
Still, Mei is one of the heroes w hij o can keep Hammond in check, an he definitely needs that.
You’re a tank. As a tank is it your job to soak in damage and CC so your team can do their job.
This in return helps you make space and push forward.
I don’t get this.
Yes, Mei counters the majority of tanks, but why is no one countering Mei?
If you get hard countered, then you, or someone else, needs to swap to counter your counter. It’s what this game is all about. Swap and adapt.
Also, Mei is a close range brawler who was originally a defense hero who’s main purpose is area denial. She still does that job well.
I’m still pretty against it honestly because it seems unique to rein (maybe brig as well but she has better tools of dealing with mei) freezing a shield on all other tanks doesn’t do a thing to them and while I get the slow stacks change in rein that doesn’t change the freeze stacks hence why he freezes so quickly despite shielding off mei for an eternity. Again as well how susceptible slower tanks are to wall I think she doesn’t need the stacks to still happen on rein despite him shielding.
I’ll see if I can get a workshop script showing it running, that way we can have a test which is repeatable - so if it changes we can tell (I write a lot of test scripts)
Unless you are in the OCE, in which case sure, lets do it together. Otherwise I’ll be 150+ ping times, and any tests are out the window.
But if someone else wants to go and do tests, I’d love to see people say they can replicate or not.