Nope. Cause I know how to not feed, make poor plays against them, position myself badly against them, etc. Simply just making callouts of her or even when she uses her cooldowns it’s making easier to kill her as a team & such.
If she keeps killing you it basically means that you just got outplayed by her and her team.
I think the main problem between the two of you is it doesn’t account for human error (mei missing rein screwing up timing etc.) also external factors like healing or displacement on either of you. That’s why I stated seems a bit gimicky with how easily it could go wrong but it is indeed far better than nothing.
With the exception of maybe and Hammond, it’s not really your job to 1v1 Mei as tank.
Like, if it comes down to having to hammer her to death as Rein, something went wrong way before that moment.
Aren’t you a god?
Silly me, if only i didn’t feed and straight up walked into her freeze ray.
Ah man, if only i wasn’t such an idiot right.
If only i positioned myself better.
Do you seriously think i do that?
I adapt. And i still hate her.
Sure, fine, be salty, sarcastic, hate her all you want but ‘‘complaining’’ about her in the forums wont really make you play better against her/be better overall in-game.
the issue, these heroes are those who are ment to be countered by mei not the others.
besides wasting the mobility cooldowns is very bad for these two.
Exactly, that’s my point there are a ton of different scenarios so it all depends but having that tool is far better than not having it just mei is pretty much always going to have the advantage. I was just pointing it out because you and OP were going back and forth on it and just wanted to clarify you’re both probably right in a way because of how varied it can be.
I agree 99% of the time, wall is far worse but it honestly depends on the tank I’m playing, usually freeze is just frustrating but wall almost always just outright wins a fight if it splits. Why I mentioned above that I almost always feel obligated to play winston when I see a mei.
Edit: and I say 99% of the time because hero’s like ball I don’t care about wall nearly as much as I care about freeze.
abysmal distance and doesnt push her back that much at all and she can just hold left and freeze him still no matter what
sure he can “displace and knockback” but that ability is bugged and if rein has to chare away to survive a mei confronting him in his own dont you think thats an issue
so rein has to use his ult which is relatively hard to get nowadays due to meta restricting close range combat, to kill one person who didnt use an ult or anything? He has to use his ult on one person instead of using it on idk 2 to 3 people for more pick potential just to survive one person?? yeah sure thats totally balanced
the op didnt say they had an issue against mei as orisa nor sigma
again kbs from an ult to an enemy not using cd just to survive is absurd
doesnt knockback that far and leaves dva herself vulnerable to mei if she doesnt use whatever left from the booster to fly away
Mei has ability you seem to forget that leaves her invincible to that called iceblock
read above point
I mean are you seriously trying to tell me hammond whose whole kit can be negated and countered by mei can do something?
I mean all I am seeing you say is
knockback knockback knockback
but you dont even know how far that knockback goes or you seem to intentionally forget mei has an invincibility ability, iceblock, that ignores said knockback that in most knockbacks you have mentioned dont even push her out of her effective range most of the time
is this an automated message?
iceblock says hi, also wall says hi, there is a reason sigma replaced hog, its because hogs hook is easily predictable that sigma can block it, mei literally does same thing thats why she was picked in bunker, to negate the halt hook combo
the shield doesnt block the slow effect that is lingering onto you when she hit you with freeze
do you even know how the freeze slow effect works?
a good mei knows to play out tracers blinks and spray tracer alil and then right click her because when you spray someone they get a lingering slowness effect making them extremely slow and vulnerable to her rightclick
This was her original purpose, but she was terrible at this job because mobility abilities usually have a fixed distance or speed. Mei’s slow doesn’t affect this.
But they did noticed she was better at dealing with tanks thanks to her slow and wall, so they slowly buffed her to be a tank-disruptor/tank-counter.
I think you’re confused.
I wasn’t saying these CC are tools to deal with Mei, but rather that they have CC.
Not a single word of it being tools to deal with Mei, but rather that it’s ironic that OP doesn’t like playing tanks because of CC.
And if you read my post then you would’ve read this part as well:
(And yet did I forget Sigma )
No, just you misinterpreting what I am saying.
Do you even know how to read bro???
I am saying it’s blocking slow.
Not that it reverse/cleanse it.
(But if Mei’s freeze, and therefore her slow, is blocked, will slow get removed after 1.5s )
You do know a good Tracer doest get affected much by slow, right?
A good Mei knows that her freeze is bad against Tracer and should rely on her secondary fire instead, because that can oneshot Tracers.
rather, they made her better against flankers and ended up becoming a beast against other tanks.
they never calculated how she would affect low mobility heroes and it shows considering they could have done many changes to push her unto THAT direction.
If we’re going to acknowledge how worthless Mei/Reaper make tanks, we should acknowledge how worthless Doom/snipers/Pharah make many DPS/supports. It basically isn’t possible to have fun anymore, in any role.