Does anyone believe moira is OP?

serious question but from what i have heard most people think she is pretty balanced


She is good, but I wouldn’t say she is OP


She is probably the best healer in the game. But not necessarily OP.

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I play Moira alot.

I wish she was OP

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Not op, when two people dive her she basically can’t do anything. I don’t even think she can kill a roadhog if he uses his heal as soon as it comes off cd.


She can’t kill a roadhog alone

I actually think Moira is very good and sometimes underrated, she heals a lot, she is hard to kill and she can do some constant damage.

Moira and Brigitte is a great duo of healers, they can protect each other (not that they need much protection anyway) and kill flankers with ease. Also, Moira healing makes up for Brigitte’s weaker heals.


Here I go-

The Data


Ability Healing
Biotic Grasp (Healing) 80HPS w/ 16.66HPS falloff (3 seconds)
Biotic Grasp (Damaging) 30HPS (Self)
Biotic Orb 75HPS (300 max)
Coalescence 140HPS + 50HPS (Self)

Her Biotic Orb does as more HPS than Ana’s primary, which is 75 per 1.2 seconds. Her primary also does more HPS than Mercy’s Caduceus Staff (60HPS), and can heal more than one ally. Her ultimate does the second most amount of healing next to Zen’s, but also does damage (70DPS) so can’t be completely nullified by Ana. Mercy is similar. Though more often than not, Damage Boost won’t do a whole lot for you at that point.
I don’t think that she’s broken. But I feel like she may be too good compared to out other healers. But it also seems as though the newer supports are much more viable than the old. (Here I go, a bit off the original topic…) Just look at Brigitte.


Ability Healing
Inspire 16HPS (5 seconds after melee)
Repair Pack 150

At a glance, this may not seem to bad. Now, let’s take a look at Lucio.


Ability Healing
Crossfade 16.25HPS + 12.18HPS (Self)
Amp It Up 46.8HPS + 35.1HPS (Self) (3 seconds)

Brigitte’s Inspire has a radius of 20m, while Lucio’s Crossfade has a radius of 10m. So even though Lucio’s Crossfade does a tiny bit more healing, Brigitte makes up for it in range. And Amp It Up doesn’t even add up to the amount of instant healing that Brigitte can do with her Repair Pack. (150 vs 140.4). She also has her Shield Bash and her own boop (Whip Shot). It also can boop an enemy just as far or farther than Lucio’s Soundwave. So at this point, Brigitte is basically a more tank-y Lucio that can do more healing overall.
(Source: Overwatch Wiki)

My Point?

In the world of older heroes, Moira is a little on the op side. But according to the new standard for healers, she's perfectly fine.

Because she is fine. Like mercy, she is a main healer, something that ana often could not fullfill. She gives you the option to choose something other than mercy. And you get urself a hero that can group heal with 2 of her abilities, group damage with 1 and with some training can both heal and deal damage as the same time. Mercy can res, while moira makes sure nobody dies in the first place

Well also keep in mind that a good, effective Rez is relatively rare. It actually takes a relatively good amount of skill to preform. And as a result, most people just use it as a quick more quick respawn. Moira can keep everyone alive, Mercy has a harder time and tends to get picked off when she tries to quickly undo a mistake. And it only lets you undo one in the first place. Moira’s solid heals make this an issue of the past, overall making her a more reliable pick.
Meanwhile the joke that is Valkyrie… vs a solid ultimate such as Coalescence.

As stats show, atm mercy is the best healer in the game

Don’t you mean Baguette? Here’s their stats in comp over the past week according to Overbuff.

All Ranks


  1. 25.64% pick rate
  2. 57.1% Win Rate


  1. 23.58% Pick Rate
  2. 49.52% Win Rate



  1. 30.54% Pick Rate
  2. 56.67% Win Rate


  1. 21.29% Pick Rate
  2. 52.29% Win Rate



  1. 31.09% Pick Rate
  2. 56.93% Win Rate


  1. 18.88% Pick Rate
  2. 54.42% Win Rate

If you want to see the rest, I’ll give you the link for quick access:

She literally can’t. Not even close.

I am a moira main. Her range is 2 long

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I don’t know if her range is an issue so much.

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Feels unfair when i destroy a pharah by just aiming at her. Even if she directs hits me i can out heal it


Ohh you mean her damage… I thought you were talking about her healing, my mistake. I’ve heard the same from a few other Moira mains.

That sounds more like a bad Pharah tbh.


She has far too much healing.
She is the reason why 3 supports comps exist with Brigitte she has far too much healing

She’s a huge pain in the butt and bs…but any changes to her would probably make her situational/useless.

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Hwr range isnt an issue. While you sit with a bastion and reinhardt who defend the entrance, a widow cries for healing. An enemy has a widow. Your mercy flies towards your widow, gets 1 shotted. A moira throws a healing orb while safely sitting behind that shield. Thats her strenght. The ability to heal multiple people, throwing an orb like zenyatta, forget about it, but keep healing the main group like lucio