Doc and Tim Losing in Silver

So your rank is fault of others?

No, Cathy Newman :joy: My obviously off-hand comment was written to simply reiterate the point that the outcome of each game is dictated by more than just your contributions, with Overwatch being a team game and allā€¦

Yeah of course, some games will be lost because of bad team mates, but generaly speaking, you rank is you fault :slight_smile:

And lucky for me, Iā€™m in Diamond :wink:

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:rofl: That is a very accurate observation.

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Right on timeā€¦lmao

how is that any different and how is one handicapping and the other not?

usually when people claim this handicapping stuff, they mean with it that they get bad teammates intentionally while the other team doesnā€™t

those people are all delusional

Itā€™s handicapping because it alters your teammates based on your own performance within your rank. Yes, the games are 50-50, but it slows progression toward your accurate rank and reduces match quality.

By matching overperformers with underperformers to make an equal game, you increase the chances overperformers will lose despite being in a rank where they should win. You decrease the chances underperformers will lose despite being in a rank where they should lose. Given enough time, everyone gets where they belong with PBSR, but this drags it out and creates an addictive system where every bit of SR is hard earned.

I go into more depth here:


Have you actually watched his matches? He himself admits he has no idea whatā€™s going on. Case in point, he sees Zarya: ā€œArrrg, here comes purple lazer b**** again!! What am I supposed to do? I have no idea what Iā€™m supposed to do when she does all that purple s***, then the laser comes out andā€¦ sighā€¦ā€

I like the guy, but he is perfectly willing to admit that he has a lot to learn in this game, there is a lot more to it than aim. His aim is excellent, but to quote a Stylosa video on the subject: ā€œYou need to develop an Overwatch brain.ā€ You need to know what abilities do, how they interact and develop your judgement around that. That comes from playing the game. And for his part, Doctor Disrespect knows this. When one guy in his chat told him he sucked he said ā€œLook, I would like to see what your matches were like when you had all of like, ten games to your name, and you didnā€™t know what everything did budā€

If the Doc himself can accept why he is where he is, why are you claiming itā€™s not fair?

The guy is at the level he should be at. He admits he has no idea whatā€™s going on, he calls all the abilities he sees going off ā€œteam visual effects.ā€

Clearly the mark of somebody who should be top 500.

While I canā€™t know for sure, I suspect that a lot of the people who liked your post think they deserve a higher rank than theyā€™re at. Watch any channel where coaching is done and itā€™s the first thing most of the people sending in their videos claim.

Of course for the vast majority of the submissions on examination it turns out that itā€™s not the case. There have been studies on depression that have shown that the common, ā€œnormalā€, person actually appraises their chances of success and their own personal aptitude much higher than they actually are. It has given birth to a controversial concept known as ā€œdepressive realismā€ which is controversial because it calls into question both the idea that common people have sound judgement and that depression is strictly a bad thing. Thereā€™s also corroborative effects that have been noted like the Dunning-Kruger effect, whereby unskilled persons appraise themselves to be more skilled than they are and delusional self-bias/self-serving-bias, where in people ignore unfavorable facts to maintain their self-confidence.

You want to watch these phenomenons in stark action, watch the audition phase of singing shows.

Fact is weā€™re all only human and most people are hard-wired by nature to think theyā€™re spectacular to help them get through the day. I mean hey, everybody is spectacular, just maybe not in all the ways they imagine they are.

Not to say the algorithm is perfect, itā€™s not. But neither are peopleā€™s own personal self-appraisals. Unpopular opinion probably, I know.

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Cool story bro. Not one game lol

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Is there a question or clarification you need?

This. If someone with great aim but minimal game knowledge is silver why canā€™t someone with more game knowledge but much worse aim deserve silver or gold?

so it gives you teammates according to your own skill?

i donā€™t get it

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Read the longer explanation, and if you still donā€™t understand the concept thereā€™s really not much more I can do for you.

Whether or not itā€™s actually happening is up for debate, but the concept is not that complex.

that concept forgets that the enemy team is people too and that means there are 50% of people who are handicapped and 50% who are boosted BY BLIZZARD and the matchmaker

so who or what decides who is and who isnā€™t? (somehow all the people believing in it are the 50% who get handicapped)

or itā€™s all just cow manure

You very clearly did not read my linked post and are not worth entertaining. It is not trying to boost anyone or keep anyone else down, simply keep all games even with the downside of sorting ranks slower.

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Like Iā€™ve been saying for a month or so now, the pool of players has stagnated to the point that bronze players today wouldā€™ve been plat players 4 years ago and thereā€™s no room for movement on the ladder anymore.

Oh absolutely. Why Blizzard matches based on MMR and not SR is completely beyond me. All it does is keep players at their current rank. In silver but your hidden MMR says youā€™re masters? Well weā€™ll put you with and against other silver players with masters MMR. And half of you will lose despite completely outclassing 98% of players at your rank!

Oh and I should add this doesnā€™t really affect me because I stay close to my actual rank. Iā€™m just speaking conceptually, the way theyā€™ve said they match people doesnā€™t make sense and does tend to keep incorrectly placed people at the wrong rank.

This is not a thing, has never been a thing.
Even as a diamond, let me tell you it is literally IMPOSSIBLE to stay even in gold without some serious hard throwing.