Doc and Tim Losing in Silver

ExcaliburZ sounds familiar. Wasn’t he an SC2 MVP or something who, when the ladder literally broke and was the catalyst for that game’s demise, was going around telling the people the basics of how a ladder works and contesting whether a source showing one third of the player population was no longer playing the game was valid? The sort of person who sounds kind of impressive but is basically a broken record. I don’t have any complaints with the way matchmaking has worked in Overwatch - I hadn’t noticed anything flagrant. But that name was familiar. It was quite something how SC2 went decidedly downhill and the community was left to fret as like diamonds and masters were playing against golds and silvers in an unforgiving 1v1 game. What could possible go wrong… not something ExcaliburZ showed much agility on.

Why the one guy is wearing sunglasses?

Yup that’s a good thing. Wouldn’t be fair if his friends could carry him to gold only for him to drop when he’s solo.
Still I wonder if he could actually climb when playing solo. He makes terrible mistakes but his games look very unwinnable at least for a silver player.

As far as I’m aware, DrDisrespect is silver, he belongs in silver, this proves nothing.

Just because you start up a stream doesn’t automatically mean you belong in GM.

I don’t know who doc and tim are…but if they’re in silver I’m pretty sure they belong in silver.

I don’t get the point of this post.

I highly doubt there are other silver players that are “really good at the game!” which seems to be what you’re implying.

Lol they were still losing it was funny but Tim is one of those guys who is gm but probably belongs in diamond. At the same time he can consistently pull his own weight in gm so he stays there.


Nah, they are just THAT bad. I can easily have 80-90% winrate from bronze-diamond

Overwatch is actualy hard game to learn for someone new because there is a lot of stuff to learn, he has good aim so i am sure he would climb to gold in few weeks.

Didn’t you say his aim was bad a week ago? But yes I agree if he stops feeding 1v6 he will climb for sure.

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I did say it and it truly wasnt when i watched him, i even said after few days that his aim was much better as he played more.

Game sense is knowing your team’s strengths and weaknesses versus the enemy team’s same.

I’m saying that certain comps versus the enemy comp give you natural advantages. If you have two hitscans you’re taking away two areas by angles. Other characters are brawlers that do their best work in close. Their advantage area is more like a dome around them.

Overwatch is about how your heroes synergize and how your teammates work together versus how their team does the same.

It’s like a chess match on a 3D board where each player gets to pick and control a piece.

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Tim has been out the game for long, hasn´t practiced any of the game at all and was already boosted quite a bit himself. So no surprise that some GM tank cannot carry a player at or below silver (doc), someone closer to plat currently (tim), out of all their games.

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SR is just a made up number in this game and represents mostly just how much comp one plays and how much they are willing to form teams with voice comms and actually communicate.

It has a lot less to do with your mechanical skill, although the SR white knights will defend the system to death like they invented it and it gave birth to them.


Is doc still playing it? I thought he played it for a couple days to promote it for Blizz’s payment and went back to his usual games.


That’s his stage getup for his stream.

so people get matched with people of the same skill then…

No for example you have 2 smurfs, 2 boosted animals, and 2 players ranked correctly on each team. The teams may (or may not) be somewhat evenly matched but there are 3 different skill levels in one game.

It would be better to scrap MMR altogether and simply throw any 12 players together in a game with similar SR. You would still have varying skill levels of course but without any handicapping involved. This allows for all players to reach their proper SR more quickly and naturally without being boosted or held back by the matchmaking system.


Aim can only take you so far with trash game sense. I mean I’m even higher than these guys and I have terrible aim and game sense on dps.

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Sounds to me (based on what I read) like a player that needs to spend more time in QP to actually learn the abilities and maps before joining comp.

I really wish the level to start playing comp was at least doubled.

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We all know that’s true, but the elitists should be here with “The fault is YOURS and YOURS alone” comments soon…

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